Chapter 7

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(Landon's POV)

The doorbell rang around 7. I ran downstairs to go answer the door. As I got to the door I took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair. I pulled the door open.


There he stood looking sexy and shit.

He was wearing a tight white top with a black leather jacket, some ripped jeans and white hightops.

"You going to let me in or are you going to stare at me all day," he said all cocky.

I rolled my eyes and moved out the way to let him in. "I was not staring at you."

"Whatever you say princess."

I sighed and led him into the living room where my dad sat watching football.

"Dad this is Rick," I said in a squeaky voice. I have no idea why I'm so nervous. It's just a dinner.

My dad got up from his seat to shake Rick's hand. "Nice to meet you young man. So you are my son's mate?"

Rick returned the handshake. "That would be me sir."

"Well look at there you have manners. I like this man here. You did good Landon," my dad said looking at me. I blushed looking down at my feet.

"Alright lets go eat shall we. Your mom should have the food ready by now," dad ushered us to the dining table where my mom was putting the last of the food. Mom turned around and smiled.

"Well now you must be Rick. Aren't you handsome. Isn't he handsome sweety," she asked my dad who shook his head muttering a yes.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright mom that's enough you don't want to run him off."

We all sat down at the table me sitting next to my mom, Rick of course sitting next to me, and my dad sitting at the head of the table.

"So Rick, how's your pack adjusting to the move," my dad asked.

"They are adjusting fine sir. I actually wanted to talk to you about territory."

"Sure. Wh-."

"Wait can't this wait honey," my mom interrupted. "Come on this is about getting to know Landon's mate. No more pack talk tonight. Understand?"

My dad sighed. "Yes babe."

I almost vomited at the sweet talk between the two. Rick just smiled and started piling his plate with food. When I say piling I mean storing for winter. He had 3 steaks, 5 spoonfuls of potatoes, and 8 spoonfuls of macaroni. I mean I know werewolves can eat, but this was too much.

"Close you mouth or I might put something in it," he whispered so only I could hear. I blushed and closed my mouth scowling at him.

"You better eat all that food. What are you the hulk. How do you eat so much?"

"I'm an alpha babe it's what I do."

"I'm an alpha to yet I don't eat that much."

"Well lets face it babe that might be why I'm bigger than you. In every way," he added with a win.

I blushed and glared at him.

He smiled and put his hand on my thigh making me squeak and blush even harder. I pushed his hand off and fixed my plate.

"So Landon, Rick have y'all thought about what y'all are going to do when you guys mate," my mom asked us.

"What do you mean?"

"What are y'all going to do about the packs?"

"Mom we haven't t-"

"Actually I was thinking about that earlier and I think the best thing to do is combine the two packs."

"Well I think that's a great idea. It would be nice to get a new plantation. Meet new people," my mom said gushing at the idea.

I just stated at him wide eyed. He was thinking about that? Did that mean he was thinking about our future? Did he want us to have a future together? Did he want a family? Kids? More? Just then I realized I hadn't thought about these things. Nor had we talked about these things. But then came that reality that I realized I didn't want to talk about these things. I wasn't ready yet.

But we were eventually going to have to talk about those things. We are mates. It's what comes with the title. We talk about what we want and go from there then mate and start the rest of our lives together. And that right there is what scared me.

I was going to spend the rest of my life with this man. Man! Another thing that scared me. I don't know how to love a man. I don't know how to hold them. How to talk to them. This is all new territory for me and I didn't know how long it would take me to get used to Rick.

Through the rest of dinner I stayed quiet lost in my thoughts of the future barely listening to my parents question Rick about his personal life.

After dinner and a goodbye from my parents I walked Rick outside to his car.

"Hey you alright," he asked.

"Yeah. Just thinking is all."

"Well I have something else for you to think about."

I raised my eyebrows a gesture for him too go on.

"I was thinking that maybe I could take you out next Saturday. You know like on a date. I realized that I barely know anything about you and you barely know anything about me. We could go eat and then we cou-."

I surprised him and even myself by kissing him. It was a lustful kiss one filled with pure desire and a little hope that maybe this thing could work.

He kissed me back with the same determination. He wrapped his arms around me his hands resting on the top of my ass.

I pulled away smiling up at him. "I'll see you at seven," and with that I ran back in the house closing the door behind me.

Oh crap. What did I just agree too?

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