Chapter 2

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(Ricks POV)

I can't believe it! I found my mate. And man is he sexy. He has blond hair that's messy but somehow he pulls it off. Hazel eyes that just bore into mine. Full pink luscious lips that are just screaming for me too come and kiss them. He's tall but not as tall as me. At 6'1 he has the body that all the guys could wish for. I could see his six pack through his tight muscle shirt. And he's all mine.

"Rick here was the star quarter back at his old school so he and and Mr. Underwood will be sharing the stage. Right Mr. Underwood," Coach asked.

Underwood? I smirked so that's the future alpha of the pack already living here. So my mates an alpha huh?

The beautiful blond boy looked at Coach and spoke, " Yes sir." His voice was lovely, like music to my ears, as corny as that may sound.

'Claim him!Now!' My inner wolf growled.

'No. We don't know him yet' and its true we don't. I have to get to know him first. Maybe I should take him on a date.

"Alright boys lets do some drills. Oliver, Underwood I want you guys to partner up and throw the ball around, get familiar with each other."

Perfect. I get to get familiar with him. Although it's not the familiar way I want but it'll do. 

"Hey so umm I'm Landon," the guy said extending his hand. When did he get this close too me? I don't know but I can feel his body heat and it's turning me on. 

"Sup I'm Rick." Sup!? How lame can I be. I grabbed his hand. As soon as we made contact I felt electricity run through my body. I looked up from our hands and to his eyes. I saw him shiver then he snatched his hand away. I smirked. 

I took a step toward him closing the gap between us and snaked my arm around his waist. I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "I saw that. Mate," I gently nibbled on his ear lobe causing him to shiver and moan. Very responsive I see.

As my hands traveled down a little he suddenly stiffened in my arms and pushed me away. 

"I am not your mate!" he hissed at me. "And never touch me again. I don't roll your way," he stormed off picking up a football on his way. 

Ouch that was a bruise to my ego. But I know he knows we're mates. Even if he doesn't "roll my way" I will make him change directions. Get it that was a gay joke. I smiled at the idea and ran after him. 

"Wait, wait,wait," I rushed grabbing his arm, feeling those sparks again. "We're mates. We have to be together. It's why the Gods put us together."

"Look I don't need a mate nor do I want one. But what I do want is to be far away from you." With that said he ran to the field with the other guys.

Yet all I could think was, That ass though.

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