Killing the demon wolf

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Scott was suspicious of Stiles. Stiles was the only one not surprised by Derek's return," I said I'll explain, Scott!" Stiles hissed out," but first I need to question Derek about something," Stiles said, skin darkening to a thick pale color. Eyes purplish red and growing more and more red.

"Question me on what?" Derek asked genuinely confused.

"I'd like to know... How much does Jennifer Blake know?" Stiles asked.

"Our substitute teacher, what the hell dude?" Scott growled.

"How-" Derek began.

"I've drained over four alphas each enhanced by a pack of alphas, you tried to hide your scent on Jennifer, but I could smell it so clearly it could of been written on billboard... So how much does Jennifer know?" Stiles questioned.

"She knows I'm a werewolf, she knows there are more werewolves, but she only knows about me..." Derek said, Stiles nodded.

"What?" Isaac questioned," when did this happen?"

"When Boyd and Cora went feral..."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Scott asked.

"Because I didn't think it'd go too far, but..." Derek took a breath and looked away.

"You banged our teacher?!" Scott, Allison, Isaac, and Stiles all said in unison.

"Conversation over!" Stiles said suddenly.

"No, we're talking about this, Derek," Scott growled.

"I said conversation over!" Stiles used such a compelling voice it actually made Scott falter, but his defiance increased.

"Stiles," Scott growled.

"I have a plan to kill Deucalion," Stiles announced changing the subject with a relieved Derek," I am going to kill him, on his own, he is no doubt strong, stronger with the rest of the alphas, but I've gotten to all but four..."

"So you want to kill and absorb the other three alpha's powers to be strong enough to hopefully kill Deucalion, Stiles that's dangerous...." Scott said," you've already said that the impulse to kill gets stronger with each alpha."

"Then after I kill Deucalion, kill me," Stiles said.

"No!" Derek and Scott said instantly.

"Not permanently, just hurt my enough to make me use up all the energy, force me to regenerate until every ounce of alpha is out of my system," Stiles explained further.

"Can we do that? If you kill Deucalion then won't you be like unstoppable, all of the alpha pack rolled into one," Derek asked.

"If you don't trust my control, then trap me in a mountain ash circle," Stiles said, arms crossed.

"Alright, Allison, we'll need you for that," Derek nodded, she also nodded.

"I like this plan," Peter said with an evil grin," can I have a turn trying to kill Stiles?"

"No!" Derek growled.

"As much as I'd like to continue this discussion, I thought Derek died.... Can we... I don't know... Spend some time with him..." Isaac suggested.

"With a pack movie night?" Stiles smiled. They all concurred, Scott and Allison stole the arm chair, Derek was on the floor laying and resting his back on the couch with Stiles on the couch and Cora on the other half, Isaac and Boyd on the ground, on Derek like adhesive," hey, Peter where are you going?" Stiles asked.

"I have a hot date," Peter slung his coat over his shoulders.

"With who?" Stiles asked, oh he knew, he could smell her on him," really, Lydia?! What is with you Hales!" Stiles asked irritated. Peter chuckled, Stiles sighed. The movie was nice, ending with a sleeping pack. Derek may or may not of started to watch as Stiles slept soundly. This was one of the only times Stiles has slept soundly, actual dreams formed. Derek picked Stiles' body up and then held him against his chest and found Stiles' barely audible heartbeat and slept with him.

Stiles woke up first, thankfully, werewolves sleep till forever apparently. Stiles slipped out of Derek's grip to sit at the table, legs crossed, he's lost a ton of weight, he hasn't been eating regular food. Derek was second up and he made some eggs for Stiles and then himself and they sat and ate together. Stiles tried to protest, Derek didn't take any of it, claiming that 'just because your half vampire doesn't mean you have to give into their instincts.'

Stiles huffed in defiance," you should take your own advice, just because your a werewolf doesn't mean you have to eat out your pantry like it's the only food you'll get today," Stiles snarked. Derek huffed back at him, much too similar to what he did," thanks for the food Derek, I can't imagine how many times you have to go grocery shopping," they ate in silence.

"You made Stiles breakfast, but not us," Scott whined as he stood up from his snuggle session, Allison kicked him out last night claiming he was too warm, she got cold and forced him to come back up.

"He was up first, I wasn't going to be rude," Derek said.

"Stiles doesn't need to eat, he's a vampire," Scott complained.

"Thanks Scott," Stiles scoffed," you know maybe I shouldn't eat, it'd give me a lot more blood lust, help me kill Deucalion," Stiles said.

"No, we need you in control and smart, Deucalion isn't just a brute, he's head strong as well," Derek stated.

"Hmm," Stiles said," as for you Scott, now you don't get any breakfast," Stiles grabbed the edge of the island in Derek's kitchen, flipped himself up into a handstand on the island, then pushed himself off and towards the elevator," Derek, this is going to be a really weird question, but if Scott... a werewolf, couldn't smell your scent on someone like Jennifer, how'd she get your scent off herself, with that close of contact..." Stiles smirked as Scott, Isaac, Allison, and Boyd started off about what the hell Derek was thinking, Derek caught on and rolled his eyes. Stiles laughed at how they were flipping their shit. He was out of the elevator, ready to hunt for the alpha pack, or their remains, all before school, he didn't find anything useful. So he spent his day death glaring at Jennifer.

I don't know where the fluff came from, also, vote and tell me where my spelling errors are, Jeez guys, I can fix them. And I'd like to fix them, help me out!!! Also, Vote! Vote!

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