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"Well, it took you longer than expected to catch her. I'm surprised. Then again, she is rather quiet." Pan chuckled, standing to greet the boys.

The twins, Devin and Nibs, stood at attention, both holding onto Sienna. "We found her, uh, Devin, where did we find her?" Nibs tilted his head, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"About 20 feet away from the center of the dark forest." Devin finished for his brother, rolling his eyes.

"Center of the forest." Nibs said as Devin did.

Pan turned his gaze to Sienna, who was waiting patiently to find out what happened next. He was about to address her, but was cut off when he heard two other boys yelling and arguing loudly.  Sienna looked towards the sound of the noise.

"You son of a-" SMACK

"I could have- UGH!"

Pan ran over and saw Rufio and Bricks punching and trying to strangle each other. Felix, who was sitting by the fire as usual, looked up when he heard his friend yelling. Pan waited a few minutes, amused by the fight, until he broke it up. "Okay; what's going on?" He asked, pushing the two boys down and away from each other.

Both boys were silent for a minute, glaring at each other. Then, they both started talking at the same time, their words jumbled and hard to understand.
"He didn't-"
"But only-"
"Well I would've-"
"Enough!" Pan snapped. "Now, one at a time, tell me what the hell is going on!"

Rufio spoke first, "I almost got the girl. Then this idiot got in the way, and the twins beat me to it," he began.

"Liar!" Bricks spat. "I tried to help you get to her cuz you're too clueless!"

Pan laughed. "Just fight it out. You'll get further than you are this way." He walked away and watched as Rufio and Bricks went at each other. Felix remained where he was sitting, watching his friend and the other Lost Boy attack each other.

It was hard to tell who was winning. Both boys were both hitting and getting hit. There was an awful lot of blood, and Sienna cringed at the sight of it.

At the end, Bricks came out the winner, having pinned Rufio to the ground and crushed a few ribs. Bricks smirked and walked away leaving Rufio struggling to get up.

Felix was at his side and helped him to stand, then let Rufio use him as a crutch to steady himself and walk into one of the tents around the camp.

The way the camp worked, there were three boys per tent, except Pan's tent. That was his and only his. You'd never be able to guess which tent was Pan's, however.

Sienna didn't get to sleep in a tent. Pan decided he didn't trust her yet, therefore every night she was put in a cage somewhere in the forest, and the next morning one of the Lost Boys would let her out. Sienna didn't understand this, she never did anything wrong and she didn't know why she was being punished.

She hated it. At night the sounds of the wind through the trees, bugs, and animals attacking other animals kept her awake. Pan promised her she would eventually get used to it, but she couldn't see that happening any time soon.

"Sienna! Go into Felix's tent and see if he needs help." Pan ordered.

Sienna silently nodded and headed to the tent she saw Felix and Rufio go into. The tent was small, and three cots were crammed inside. There was a pile of blankets on the floor and Rufio was sitting on one of the unmade beds.

'Can I help?' She signed to them.

(OKAY GUYS I HAVE A QUESTION! Would you rather Sienna meet a Lost Boy who can understand sign language? Or would you rather her not? I can't decide!)

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