Meet the Lost Boys

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1. Peter Pan: The leader of the Lost Boys. He is the only being on NeverLand who possesses magic. Also known as the Pied Piper.
2. Felix: Pan's second in command. He is the most loyal Lost Boy and will do anything for Pan. He is the only Lost Boy who doesn't hear "the music"
3: Rufio: Felix's best friend. He is the complete opposite of Felix, and he is the camp's trouble maker.
4: Twins-
4a: Devin: Smarter and stronger than his brother. He has to keep his brother on track.
4b: Nibs: On the slower side. He relies on the help of his brother. Though slow, he is a good tracker when it comes to hunting.
5: Ace: The camp's best sword fighter. Often he is a century; standing outside the camp guarding and protecting. He escaped from being a pirate.
6: Latchboy: A clumsy Lost Boy who would lose his head if it wasn't attached. He is gullible and often needs the other boys' help to avoid trouble.
7: Bricks: The toughest Lost Boy in camp. He and Rufio are known for getting into fights.

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