My friends are only half as crazy as I am

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I believe the title says it all. You see I was chatting with one of my friends and we were goofing around as most people do at midnight. And my friend completely surprised me with an interesting version of sugar and spice(and everything nice). Which I promptly told her i was going to put in this book/pamphlet/thing, so here you go enjoy. 

"Teensy bit of sugar, loads of spice, craziness n randomness, these were the ingredients needed to make the perfect little Bengali half crazy girl named Tranquility but the parents accidentally added a philosophical mind, thus Tranquility was born, making friends n committing the crime of making them go crazy (ta ta tata tao tao ta ta tata taaa) You know the music XP"   

Now don't you all feel better now that you have learned that even my friends are only half crazy when compared to me? Yes people I'm well aware that y'all don't give a flying mouses deriere but I found it amuseing so it went in here so I can remember it when I'm old and grey and want to tell strange stories to my grandchildren. 

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