Chapter 5: The Answers Returned

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After dragon training, over the past few hours, Hiccup thought about the letter he read earlier, and decided he was going to write back. He was now inside the blacksmith's shop as he looked at the letter, and then at the questions, and became very frustrated. Hiccup believed he should take some off and go out to watch the stars. He thought the best view would be on the cliff by the dock. When Hiccup finally got there, he laid down softly on the grass.

It always made him feel calm and comfortable and relaxed when he was here. Back when Hiccup was a baby, his mother would bring him to this area, and she would hold him, while talking about the stars and what they would look like. Hiccup missed those moments, and especially, his mother. Suddenly, Hiccup sat up, and looked at the sky very carefully.

"Floating lights. These must be what that 'someone' is talking about!" Hiccup said excitedly.

He immediately ran back to the forge, where the letter was, and got out a sheet of paper. Hiccup looked at the questions on the letter again, and he began writing. After a few minutes, he was all done and started to head toward the forest. When he reached the cove, he carefully climbed down, and went to the strange box. There, he found Toothless curled up into a half circle, with his head on the ground, and his eyes closed.

Hiccup slowly walked by the dragon so he didn't wake him up, and luckily, Toothless didn't move. He opened up the door of the box, and put his letter inside, and finally, lowered the flag. Soon, he turned around and looked at the dragon, but since it was so dark, Hiccup couldn't really see Toothless. Hiccup immediately decided to stay the night at the clearing, thinking it wouldn't be all that bed. Quietly, he walked over and slowly laying his back against Toothless' belly.

"I hope this someone is happy with the answers I wrote down." Hiccup thought before falling asleep.

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