Chapter 13: The Strange Nightmare

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Rapunzel was laying down comfortably on her back outside the tower, having both of her hands under her head, with Pascal right beside her, being in the same position. While it was still important for the girl to do her chores every day, she didn't find it necessary to do any hobbies in the tower anymore when she had a lot of new hobbies that she could do outside. She was able to take a walk or run around the tower and get to enjoy the fresh grass underneath her feet, as well as enjoy the feel the cool breeze and sunlight on her skin.

Suddenly, her time of relaxation was interrupted when Rapunzel heard a sound close by, and a smile grew on her face when she looked up to see that the red flag of the mailbox had just come down. In a matter of only ten seconds or maybe even less, Rapunzel got up quickly from her spot on the grass, ran excitedly toward the mailbox, and opened it up to see what was inside of it. The long haired girl pulled out two large sheets of paper, and while one of them was rolled up, the other was not, but Rapunzel decided to take a look at the non-rolled up sheet of paper first.

Dear Rapunzel,

Me and Toothless each had at least two of your cookies, and they were definitely amazing, and believe it or not, but I've never really known what chocolate tasted like, because we've never had chocolate on Berk before. I'm sure that you would've laughed just like I did if you saw Toothless after he ate each of the cookies, as he was rolling around in the grass while having his tongue out like some sort of desperate dog begging for more food. I decided to do the same and save the rest of the cookies to have for another day, so I recently made a quick trip back to my house so that I could put the cookies in a safe place so that nobody could be able to find them.

I also wanted to let you know in this note that I've finished the drawing that you requested, and obviously, it's the sheet that you found rolled up in the mailbox, and trust me, you'll want to have it hung up in your room. It's a drawing of the cove, which has always been the place where me and Toothless spend our time together, and since you've wrote that you and Pascal live in a tower, maybe you could send me a painting of what it looks like. I plan to stay here in the cove and pass the time by taking a nap with Toothless until I've received your painting, and once I have it, me and Toothless will go for our very first flight, or to say with other words, a 'test drive'.

Sincerely, Hiccup

Right after Rapunzel had finished reading Hiccup's note, she laid it down on the grass before taking the other sheet of paper and unrolling it to take a look, and she became certainly impressed with what she was looking at. The drawing looked like it must have been done by a professional, as there was a lot of incredible effort put into it, and there was so much detail done not only in just the lake itself, but also with all of the rocks and the trees being around it too. Hiccup was absolutely right; the drawing was beautiful enough for it to be hung up somewhere in Rapunzel's room, and she wouldn't have to worry at all about her Mother seeing it, because it was a rare occasion when she entered her room. Rapunzel closed the mailbox and lowered the red flag down before putting both Hiccup's cove drawing and the note in one hand to carry, then brought the other hand to pick up Pascal from off the ground and brought him to her left shoulder.

"Hey, Pascal, take a look at this," Rapunzel said, as she tucked the note underneath her armpit. "Our friend, Hiccup, made a new drawing for us." She added, while unrolling the artwork once again to show to the chameleon.

"Isn't it beautiful," The girl asked, and although Pascal had obviously agreed by nodding with his head, he squeaked in a confused tone, because he didn't know exactly what kind of place that the drawing was showing him.

"It's a picture of where Hiccup goes to hang out with his best friend, and from looking at it, I can guess that it's a place where they always have complete and total privacy from the world, just like us." Rapunzel explained.

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