Chapter 10: The Friendship Begins

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After she had finished doing all of her daily chores, Rapunzel decided to make a change today and skip on her usual hobbies by staying up in her room and read all of the letters that Hiccup sent to her so far, especially the long letter detailing of what happened in his life before he wrote to her. From reading the letters all over again, Rapunzel could definitely tell that Hiccup wasn't some dangerous thug or ruffian that Mother Gothel had frequently warned her about not so long ago, considering the fact that he's a fifteen year old Viking who chose not to kill a dragon when he had the chance. Of course, that wasn't the only thing which had Rapunzel so astounded, it was also that Hiccup eventually managed to gain the dragon's trust by giving him a fish, eating part of it, and then making drawings of each other in the dirty ground, which she thought was very adorable.

She couldn't wait to find out if Hiccup had given a wonderful answer for all of the ten questions that she sent to him in her letter, and what his answers would be, so Rapunzel didn't see the point of waiting in her room when she could just go outside and enjoy the weather. Just as Rapunzel came out of the tower from taking the last step of the secret staircase, she saw and heard the magical mailbox make its' usual movement of having the red flag raised up all on its' own, but Rapunzel already knew what that meant, and raced over to the mailbox, opening its' door. She decided to read Hiccup's letter right now while laying down on the grass on her stomach with her feet up near the mailbox, and that she would show it to Pascal later today.

Dear Rapunzel,

Although it did take a long time to get this letter done, I knew that it was very important to get it to you as soon as possible, so that's why I thought that every answer should be good enough for you to enjoy, so here they are, and I really hope that you're satisfied with them.

1. I'm not exactly sure how many types of dragons there are, and which are still alive to this day, but I do know that there's a lot of them, thanks to reading the Dragon Manual. It's a book which is given to the students of Dragon Training in order for them to study up on the dragons they will be facing in their upcoming exams.

All of the dragons in the manual are spread into 7 classes: Stoker, Boulder, Fear, Sharp, Tidal, Mystery, and Strike.

Here's an easy and short description for each of the classes.

Stoker: These dragons are dangerous fire-breathers.

Boulder: These dragons are tough, rock-eating dragons.

Fear: These dragons are sneaky and deadly at the same time.

Sharp: These dragons possess razor sharp qualities and a generous dose of vanity.

Tidal: These dragons live underwater, and it's usually where they spend their time.

Mystery: No one really knows what these dragons can do, since they have very mysterious personalities.

Strike: These dragons are best known for their pin-point accuracy, lightning speed, vice like jaw strength, and extreme intelligence.

Each exam takes place in the Kill Ring, which is also a sort of prison for captured dragons, and it's a big, dome like center that's chained off at the top to prevent the dragons from escaping. There are only five specific dragons we face in the Kill Ring: the Deadly Nadder, the Gronckle, the Hideous Zippleback, the Terrible Terror, and finally, the Monstrous Nightmare, which is typically the dragon that only one person must kill in a final test in order to become a true Viking. I would really like to describe all of those five dragons for you, but I'm sure that it would take up a lot of space on these sheets of paper, and if it went that way, I couldn't be able to give an answer the rest of your questions.

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