Chapter 12: The Beautiful Drawing

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When Hiccup and Toothless flew back to the cove on that very same day, the two of them landed on a wide space which was not so far away from the mailbox. Hiccup looked closely at it and smiled to see that the red flag was standing up, and he quickly unhooked himself from Toothless' saddle and got off the dragon to walk over to it. He opened the door to find a big basket inside, and so when Hiccup carefully pulled it out of the mailbox, he instantly became interested with whatever was underneath the basket. Hiccup also saw a folded note on top of the basket, and at the same time, he could smell the mysterious gift that Rapunzel sent him, but he thought that it was best to read the note first.

Dear Hiccup,

Me and Pascal tried some of your lemon bars just earlier today, and they were absolutely delicious, but we're not going to eat them all, so that's why we're going to save the rest of them for another time. I read the note you sent about me having to make something for you so that we would be even, and that's why me and Pascal got busy in the kitchen to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies for you. I'm don't know if Toothless will be able to have some, but I'm sure that he'll enjoy the taste of them if he can, so anyway, I made a total of about twenty cookies, giving you and Toothless to each have about ten. I went through your last long letter again, and it's got me thinking for a while of what could be the next activity for us, and I've decided that it should be drawing.

I'd really like to see what the cove looks like, and from the way that you talked about it, I can only imagine that it's truly a beautiful place for you and Toothless to spend time together. How about this, after you send me a self made drawing of you and Toothless in the cove, then I'll send you a painting of the tower where me and Pascal live in. Just like with the baked treats, you can go first with a drawing of your own, and once I've received it, I'll get started on my painting, but please send me a note to remind me, otherwise I might probably forget. Thank you so much for the lemon bars, Hiccup, and when you write back, make sure to include of what you and Toothless thought of our cookies, and that would be great!

Sincerely, Rapunzel

Once he was done with reading the note, Hiccup closed the mailbox, and lowered the red flag down before walking back to Toothless while carrying the note in one hand and the basket with the other one. Toothless was soon rushing over to his friend when he could easily smell the cookies from under the basket, and Hiccup knew right away that his dragon loved the smell from the way his tongue was hanging out.

"Easy there, bud! If you must know, Rapunzel and her friend liked my lemon bars so much that they wanted to give us their own tasty treats, so first, let's take a look, shall we?" Hiccup asked, while giving a grin.

The Night Fury quickly nodded his head, and he tried his best to keep himself perfectly still as he watched his best friend pull the napkin off from the basket, which finally revealed the warm and fresh cookies. As hard as he tried, Toothless couldn't have any more patience and just when he was about to run toward Hiccup and take the basket from his grip, he was stopped when Hiccup put up his palm in front of his sight.

"Don't you worry, bud." Hiccup said, as he brought his palm back down. "You're gonna get some, but it would be a good idea to save the rest of them, just like Rapunzel is doing with my lemon bars now." He added.

Hiccup thought for a moment before reaching down into the basket and picking up about two cookies, and brought them up to his nose for a better smell of them first.

"Alright, bud, now listen very closely," Hiccup said, as he brought the cookies down from his face. "We're each going to have just one cookie, or maybe even two, but only if the cookies are that good, understand?" He questioned.

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