Chapter 6: The Unsatisfying Surprise

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When Rapunzel woke up, she immediately got busy doing her chores, and then did all of her hobbies. She couldn't wait to read the letter that would tell her all about the floating lights, so she was happy Mother Gothel left to get some herbs and vegetables, and Rapunzel went down the secret staircase and outside, to the mailbox. The flag was standing up, so she knew there was a letter inside. Rapunzel quickly opened the mailbox, and she couldn't contain her excitement as she was now holding a white sheet with words written on it. After she lowered the flag, Rapunzel quickly ran back up the staircase to the tower.

"Pascal! I got it! I got a letter back!" She called pleasantly.

The chameleon suddenly came out from a big vase and followed Rapunzel as she went upstairs to her bedroom. Rapunzel sat down at her chair in front of her vanity mirror and began to read the letter as Pascal climbed up to her shoulder.

Dear Someone Who Loves To Dream,

I happen to know about the floating lights you wrote about. Those lights are actually the stars. I'm not sure people send them into the sky, or why there's more of them every year. I believe the stars are born and somehow, they stay up there. I don't really know what they mean, so I hope you're happy with the answers for your questions.

Sincerely, Person From The Outside World

P.S: Maybe it would be better if we used our real names, because it was nice writing to you.

Rapunzel was not so pleased after reading the letter. These were not the answers she expected, what she hoped for. Now Rapunzel was sure this person didn't know what the floating lights were, so she decided to write another letter, but this time, she really wanted to know who wrote back.

Was this person a ruffian or a thug Mother Gothel had warned her about? Either way, Rapunzel was determined to find out, as she brought out a sheet of paper and a fountain pen. She wouldn't be afraid, as she would write down her name in this letter.

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