Chapter 8: The Young Boy's Story

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Rapunzel was still feeling so cheery and gleeful with knowing that she finally had been given the opportunity by Mother Gothel to go outside and experience the outdoors. After doing her chores, she did her absolute best to keep herself busy as much as possible by enjoying brand new hobbies that she could do outside of the tower. Watching many beautiful butterflies flutter in the sky, rolling around in the bright green grass, and getting to not just feel it, but also be able to smell what it was like. Rapunzel loved being outside, and she was even starting to get a slight tan from the sunshine, now that she wasn't inside her tower all the time.

There was always something else that Rapunzel had loved to do outside from now on during that day, and it didn't involve nature or even the sun for that matter. That certain hobby happened to be waiting for a new letter to come from the "Person From The Outside World" in the mailbox that was near to her tower. Whether it was a boy or girl, they were still known to Rapunzel as a mysterious stranger ever since she had first made written contact to them. Mother Gothel had recently left the tower to go on another daily search into the forest to get more herbs and vegetables so that they would have more healthy meals cooked from fresh food.

Rapunzel was now laying down on her back while relaxing on the soft grass, breathing in the air, and hearing the sweet sounds of nature, while Pascal was doing the same, when suddenly, both of them heard a strange noise. Both of them instantly got up and were standing on the ground, and they started looking around for a while until Rapunzel had soon found something different with the mailbox. The red flag attached to the mailbox was standing up, so that definitely meant there was a brand new letter for Rapunzel to read, which caused her to jump and shout in excitement before happily running over to the mailbox. Rapunzel took a few deep breaths to calm herself down first before opening the small door and taking a look inside, to see there was actually more than just one sheet of paper. Before reaching inside to get the new letter inside the mailbox, Rapunzel looked around to find out which specific place Pascal was on the grass, and she carefully picked him up and placed the chameleon on her left shoulder.

"Pascal, look! We got another letter today! Whoever this person is, I'm really hoping that they've agreed with my idea and decided to tell us a lot more about themselves this time. Let's get back up to the tower and read it now!" Rapunzel said.

Pascal soon held onto Rapunzel for dear life just as his best friend closed the door of the mailbox, and lowered the flag before she raced through the grass, climbed up the secret staircase into the tower, and up another staircase to her room, and took a seat in front of her vanity mirror.

Dear Rapunzel,

I thought about what you said in your letter for a while, and I decided that you were absolutely right. There's really no point in writing to each other anymore if we can't be honest about who we really are. I just hope that you have a lot of time to read this letter, because it sure took a long time last night for me to write this.

My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third, and I'm fifteen years old, which is only just two years younger than you. I live with a Viking tribe called the Hairy Hooligans on the Isle of Berk, where my father is the chief, and his name is Stoick the Vast. Ever since I was just two years old, I've been working as an apprentice (assistant) for my dad's friend, Gobber the Belch. Over the years, he's taught me everything that I needed to know about blacksmithing, since he's very skilled with it, during any time when he has to quickly make repairs on weapons and provide them for the people who need them most in battle.

I like to draw very much, and that's why I frequently keep a sketch pad with me everywhere I go, drawing the things I find interesting. Over the course of 7 generations, (300 years) Berk has been continuously raided by dragons of all different species, prompting a war between them and our tribe. Whenever the dragons do come to our village, they always manage to both steal our livestock and burn our homes every time.

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