Lane Boi

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Lane Boy6


I was on my Facebook when I saw a video of Melanie yelling at Kyle.

"Babe what is that." He said rubbing my sides.

I showed him the video and he pulled me into his arms. He kissed my head and we scrolled down further seeing the news article about her mom and dad's death.

"We need to go to school." I said getting off my bed.

"But I don't wanna." Josh whined.

"Okay I'm going though." I said grabbing my bag.

I walked out the door and to Josh's truck. I started to and josh ran out a second later.

"I didn't think you'd actually come." I laughed as he got in.

"Shut up." He barked.

"Okay." I laughed.

I drive to the school and josh huffed as he got out of the truck. I quickly followed him grabbing on to his belt loop. He turned around and pushed me away.

I fell to the ground and he walked off. I then quickly picked myself up and headed to class.

I went through my first five classes thinking of this morning then lunch came around and I had to face Josh. I walked into the lunchroom and Halsey was holding him down on the table.

"Touch me agin Dun." She said pulling his arm further up.

"Okay, okay." I said pulling her off of him.

"It was his goddamn fault." She laughed.

"Whatever I don't care." I said sitting in between them.

"Ashley was the one who was being a bitch." Josh said putting his arm around me.

I hissed and he tightened his grip around me. Halsey looked over and pulled him off.

"You idiot you're hurting him even more!" She yelled.

I got up and ran out into the hallway and Halsey quickly followed.

"Tyler what happened." She said making me sit down in the bench.

"Nothing I fell." I said wiping my eyes

"Tyler what happened." She insisted.

"Nothing I swear." I huffed.

'Oh! The whore has a temper.' Blurryface mocked.

"I do not!" I yelled back.

"Tyler what's going on?" Halsey said making me look at her.

"Josh hit me." I mumbled

"He what!" She yelled.

"It was my fault." I said looking at her.

"Tyler come with me." She said pulling me to the janitors closet.

I turned on the light and Halsey pulled off my shirt. I turned around and she gasped.  "How is this your fault?"

"I tried to kill him." I said hiding my face.

"Why?" She asked

'He's a terrible person.' Blurryface popped off.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

"Tyler what's wrong?" She persisted

"I don't remember it."

We walked back out after I collected myself. Halsey made sure to stay in between me and Josh. The bell rang and I went to my last classes, but as I went to the office during my last period I saw Melanie in The nurses office. She sat up and I saw Kyle.

"Melanie are you okay?" I asked.

She looked up and I smiled at her.

"I'm fine my head just hurts a bit." She smiled.

"I heard what happened Saturday night." I said looking down.

"Tyler I don't think she needs you." Kyle said.

"Okay well bye Melanie." I said walking back down the hall.

God he's an asshole.

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