The Judge

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The Judge 7


"It's unfair." I huffed

"What's unfair?" Josh said continuing to kiss my neck.

"Kyle gets to be with Melanie but I don't." I growled.

"Dude you could have said it was you before I got into it." Josh said slapping me.

"You know you're hurting little Tyler when you do that right?" I smirked

"He likes it and you know it." Josh laughed.

"You're right I know everything about your precious little toy, right?" I laughed thinking of the one thing Tyler didn't want anyone to know.

"I do too." He said.

"Not all of it." I smirked.

"What don't I know?" Josh sad sitting down in the swivel chair.

"Oh you're sweet little Tyler has a secret Tumblr." I laughed grabbing the black laptop off the side table.

I pulled up the website and signed into Tyler's account. I went to his blog and the pink was blinding.

"What is this?" He said taking the laptop.

"It's what Tyler wants." I laughed.

He looked in awe as I laid back. I wanted to play a prank on Tyler and Josh, so I thought of the secret I just shared with Josh.

"Joshy?" I said innocently.

"Oh! Ty you're up." Josh smiled.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing, just shopping." He smiled.

I walked over and saw he was still on Tumblr.

"What is that?" I said trying to act worried.

"It's your Tumblr. You left it open." He said wrapping his arm around my side.

"Oh!" I said going to sit down on the bed.

"Hey don't be shy. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked.

"It's a little embarrassing." I said.

"Well don't be embarrassed." He smiled.

I quickly switched over to Tyler and watched from the side.

Tyler wrapped his arms around josh and smiled.

"How have you been?" He smiled

"Good, that's an out of the blue question." Josh smiled.

"How so?I just woke up." Tyler said stretching.

"You mean you where asleep?" Josh questioned.

"Yes?" Tyler said confusion leaking from his voice.

"Shit!" He yelled.

"What's wrong" Tyler said grabbing Josh's hand.

"Tyler I can't do this anymore." Josh said pulling his hand away.

'Hurt him Tyler!' I yelled

"No I'm not going to." Tyler whimpered curling into a ball.

I picked up Tyler's phone and threw it. I was so pissed about everything. This was the last thing I needed was to carry around a depressed puppy for the rest of his existence.

"Tyler calm down everything is fine, I just think we need a little break." Josh said rubbing Tyler's hand.

I grabbed josh by his hair and threw him to the ground. Tyler watched in horror as I took over and dragged Josh to the door.

"I'm done Josh Dun!" I yelled at him. "I'm not going to do this anymore!"

"You're schizophrenic Tyler! You think you can't handle it!" Josh yelled.

"Shut up you're nothing but a low life." I growled.

I turned around and smirked at Tyler. I sat on the bed and watched as Josh's face turned bright red. He jumped on me and held my arms down.

"I'm done with you Tyler! You get abusive and I can't take it anymore!" Josh yelled slapping me.

Tyler rubbed his face and started to cry. I growled and pushed josh off me.

"Get out!" I yelled

"No!" He yelled back.

"Get out!" I yelled louder stomping my feet.

"You're a bitch." He growled and walked out.

I felt a pinch in my arm. I looked at Tyler and he had cut his wrist once then twice and the third times the charm. It stung like hell and I couldn't do anything about it.

"You're hurting yourself more than you are me." I said turning around.

"I hate you." He cried.

"I know Ty, I know." I smirked and gave him control making the cuts hurt him more.

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