Message Man

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Message Man


"Tyler you're embarrassing." Tyler's mom said putting her head in her hands.

"I'm so disappointed in you, Tyler." She said standing up, "Does anyone know about this?"

"Yes." Tyler said looking at his hands.

"You're terrible." The man yelled.

"Fuck off!" I yelled

No one heard me but Tyler. He flinched at the words.

"Who knows?" He asked.

"Everyone." Tyler whimpered

"And no one told me?" His dad yelled throwing the chair down. "You're not my son."

"You're a dick." I laughed.

I like Tyler. He's a total bitch but he's the person I was stuck with.

"Tyler I can't believe this." His moms said tears falling.

"Room now."

"But," Tyler said

"No! Now!"

I followed the boy up the stairs his tears becoming more evident each step. When we reached the door he threw his arms around me. This was new, he went from completely ignoring me to trying to get me to comfort him.

"I don't want to live anymore, blurry." He whimpered.

"Calm down it's gonna be okay." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"I just want Josh but you know that won't happen." He cried.

"I can call Melanie?" I said making him sit down.

"Yeah." He said pulling his knees up to his chest.

I picked up his phone and called Melanie's phone. Tyler's dad answered and he was just as confused as I was.

I immediately hung up and called Josh to check on the girl.

"What happened?" Tyler said as he heard foot steps.

"Melanie never came to get her stuff." I said.

It has been two days and Mel hadn't been back to pick up her car.

"Tyler who's phone is this, and why did you call it?" His dad said shoving Mel's phone in his face.

"It's Melanie's. She was here a couple of days ago and she hasn't been back and I'm getting worried." Tyler said looking down.

"Why the hell would you worry about her?" He asked.

"Because I love her." Tyler lied.

"You what?" His dad questioned.

"I just want to make sure she's okay." Tyler said standing up a little.

His phone went off and he looked to see Josh calling. He quickly ended the call. It went off again and it was Melanie's brother. Tyler quickly answered it.

"Tyler is Melanie with you?" Jace said his words hurried.

"No I thought she was with you." Tyler said his voice shaking.

"This is what happens when no one pays attention!" I yelled.

"Tyler I think my sister is missing." Jace said his voice cracking signaling his tears.

"Fill out a report and I'll help look for her." I said into the phone.

Tyler gave up control and I was quick to take over. This isn't supposed to happen. Melanie is supposed to be with me, and Tyler is supposed to be with Josh.

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