Letter 1

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Do you remember the morning you left?  

The way we laid in the darkness with only moon light seeping through our half closed curtains? We were side by side just our pinkies touching because if we were any closer it would be too hard to split up.

You mumbled in a voice still thick with sleep, "what time is it?"


You stood up and walked to the bathroom and I silently begged you to change your mind. To stay here with me in this place that we've hated for so long.

But I knew that wasn't going to happen. I couldn't and wouldn't let you change your mind.

You needed to leave and try to become something bigger than all we had here and you can do it.

You've always been so hard on yourself to be the best and to feel like everything you do has to be perfect and I think it's time for all your work to pay off.

When you came back to the room and leaned over to kiss me I almost didn't let you go. You've been my life for so long and I'm not sure how to be without you and that's so terrifying.

You grabbed your bags just as someone knocked on the door. It felt like we were in some sort of horror movie the way our wide eyes stared at each other. When you left the room to answer the door I grabbed your sweatshirt and sweatpants so you couldn't take them with you.

I needed more of you to stay with me. I wanted your scent to linger on our pillows and your used coffee mugs to stay in the sink, but I knew those things wouldn't last.

You and Perry stood side by side near the front door waiting for me. You stayed back while Perry came towards me. Everything was too quiet, too unsure, too unstable. The three of us have been together since we were in elementary school and now I was being left behind.

Perry towered over me, his brown eyes looked so sad as he looked down on me, "I'm going to miss you so much, Stell."

"Me too," were the only words I could mumble as I hugged him as tightly as I could and closed my eyes willing the tears to stay away.

"I'll meet you downstairs, everything is ready to go," Perry said to you then he said to me, "call me whenever Stella. I can be back here whenever you need me too. Got it?"

I nodded and waited for him to shut the door behind him.

We stood as far apart as we had ever been before.

"Come with us," you were desperate. Your voice was deep and I could hear the tears in your voice. I shook my head because I knew I couldn't speak.

"You know I can't," I finally said when you continued to stare at me.

"He isn't coming back, Stella. You are staying here for nothing." I know you didn't mean it. I know you were upset and hurt but your words killed me. They still kill me when I replay them over and over.

I hate that that is how we left things, Rory.

I took a step back and you came closer then.

"I love you," you said and kissed my head then walked out the door.

I sank to the old gray carpet and cried until I couldn't breathe.

How is it? Are you guys playing a lot? Are you happy? Do you miss me?

I love you, Rory.



The next chapter is from Rory's POV!

There are both letters and chapters in this story. Enjoy :)

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