Chapter 4

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Julia's POV:

I was on my way to English but I really wasn't feeling it today. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself. I wasn't in there too long before the bell rang and I was late for class. I began walking to class wondering how Miss.Scott would react. I walked to the door and lightly knocked on it because it was locked.

"You're late," Miss.Scott said sternly.

I didn't say anything, just walked past her and went to my seat. "I'd like you to stay for lunch detention please," Miss.Scott said. I looked at her with a dark stare. I was only three minutes late. I didn't deserve fucking lunch detention. It could've been a warning.

I smirked sarcastically, "Whatever."

I could tell she was mad, you could see it in her eyes. I didn't really care though. After all the shit I went through with my mom last night, I just wanted to leave already. I can't believe my mom didn't accept me. Love is love. I don't ever see my dad anymore so it's not like I have anyone that cares, especially now.

The bell for lunch rang and all the students got up to leave. I was the last one to start heading out the door. I felt a sharp pain in my wrist.

"Get back in here you have lunch detention," Miss.Scott said.

I slightly winced in pain "Ouch."

Miss.Scott looked at my wrist. There was bruising on it from my mother. She immediately let go of me. Although her grip was soft I was still very sore. I held my arm close to me, I was embarrassed. Miss.Scott though, her cheeks reddened. Why was she embarrassed?

"Julia I'm sorry I didn't know," she apologized.

I shrugged, "It's whatever."

Miss.Scott spoke, "What? That is not okay."

I was starting to feel really upset. I should've just skipped her class. She's over here telling what is and isn't okay like I'm stupid. I know it's not okay, but it is what it is. There not much I can do about it anymore.

She hesitated, "You know you can talk to me about this."

I paused for a second staring into her dark brown eyes. Was she finally showing me attention? Every time I tried talking to her before she'd be so emotionless. I hardly even know her to tell her, I haven't even told Cam yet. There was something about her though, it made feel safe.

"Can we sit down," I asked.

She nodded walking over to her desk. I pulled a chair over and say beside her. Was I really about to do this? I mean this was pretty serious. I didn't what she would do or how she would react. I wanted to just leave. Forget everything, but I couldn't it was too late now.

We made eye contact,  "It was... my mom. It's not a big deal thou--,"

She had cut me off, "It is Julia."

"Look Miss.Scott I'm not staying at my house this week," I told her because I didn't want her worrying about me.

She shook her head. Her eyes went from my own to my wrist. Her hand softly touched my wrist. There wasn't much pain when she did that. I don't know if it was because she wasn't really applying pressure or that the fact she was touching me made me forget about everything. We just sat there for a few seconds.

Her eyes hurried back to mine, "I'm so sorry."

"Why did you always seem to push me aside," I asked out of no where.

She looked at me confused, "What do you mean?"

I spoke, "You hardly have made eye contact with me and when ever I talk to you it's like you.... You just don't wanna talk to me."

"I-I don't," she tried hiding it but I wasn't dumb.

Her hand was still on my wrist. I pulled away not wanting to though. I stared at her as I was finally starting to realize something. I looked into her eyes once more and got up quickly.

"I've got to go," I said anxiously.

Miss.Scott didn't stop me. I figured she felt bad for me. I got out my phone and texted Violet to meet me at my car. Technically this was against the rules but I desperately needed to talk to my friend right now.


"What about cam," Violet asked me.

I sighed, "I love her. I really do and I don't know what's wrong with me."

I can't help it. I really like Miss.Scott. I just felt something in the classroom today and it was scary, I mean I have girlfriend.

"Violet this is serious. I don't know why I like her," I complained.

"Maybe it's because she's hot and she let you open to her," she tried to explain.

It was weird and unexpected. Miss.Scott was always nice but to me it was different until earlier. I can't figure out why she seems to treat me differently. She wasn't mean to me, she just didn't acknowledge me as much as she did with her other students. And it made me kinda jealous.

"Julia, are you sure you love Cam," Violet asked.

I looked at her, "Duh!"

I did love Cam, she was adorable. I looked out my window only to find Miss.Scott standing outside my car. I rolled down the window and smilies innocently. She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

"Violet go back to class please and Julia I'd like a word with you," she spoke.

It wasn't harsh, the way she said it.

I got out of my car and turned to her, "Yes?"

"I'd like to apologize. I don't want to I guess ignore you. I guess there just something about you that makes me do it," she said.

This threw me off. What the fuck was she even saying.

She touched my unharmed arm, "Let's get back class."

I walked inside with her. I didn't seem to be in trouble which was good. I guess she was showing me pity. I don't know how I feel about that though. I could stop thinking about what she said. What about me makes her ignore me?

Can you keep a secret?
I have a crush on my teacher... Oops.

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