Chapter 3

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Authors Note~ Sup my peeps. I hope you guys enjoyed my last chapter. I'm sorry i'ts been a little bit long since I last published chapter 2. I've been busy with family matters, but don't worry everyone is well now, and I have a new bae lol so I've been spending time with him and guys he's a hockey player ooo lol. Anyways sorry for this lengthy note, enjoy chapter 3 Xo

I wake up in the morning and I don't feel like getting out of bed, it's been 2 days since the Dallas Stars incident and I haven't left my apartment. About an hour later I decide to get out of bed and actually leave my apartment. After I'm dressed and have a bit of makeup on, I get into my car and drive to go see my mom.

10 minutes later I arrive at my mom's house.

"Hey Finn" I yell as I open the front door

"Hey Sis" My brother Finn says 

"Wheres mom?" I ask him scanning the room

"She's in her room eating."

"Thanks dude" I say as I head to her room

"Oh Quinn" Finn shouts and turn to face him "She's not having a good day."

I sigh and walk into her room

"Hey mom" 

"Oh Hi honey! Nice to see you"

"Mom..." I say as I go over to her bed

"What?" My mom says looking confused

"You have hardly eaten anything, the doctors said you need to eat"

"I know, I know, I'm just not feeling too hot." My mom says looking down at her plate and she's trying to hold back tears, she takes a bite then puts her plate off to the side.

I end up staying at my moms house a bit longer and we binge watch friends.

2 hours later she's asleep, I kiss her forehead and leave the room. I then go say goodbye to Finn and leave out the door.

When I'm in my car, I start to cry. Seeing my mom like that broke my heart, she's looking a lot sicker then usual. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago and she's never been the same, my dad was out of the picture, so it was just me and my brother taking care of her. I remember when she would laugh all the time but now she laughs less and less. She's completely bald and I know that, that alone is hard for her.

After I'm done crying, and I start to drive home.

I just get in the door when suddenly my phone rings.



"Hey Morgan"

"Hey girl, I'm going to the club and you're coming with me."

"Not tonight Mor..."

"Perfect! I'll pick you up in 2 hours, love you bye." And she  hangs up.

Well I guess I'm going to the club. 

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