Chapter 4

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Well I haven't been to the club since using a fake ID to get in, in grade 10. I despise alcohol but i need to get things off my mind.

I get dressed, I decide to wear a black dress with my high gladiator sandals, I curl my hair and put makeup on.

I walk to Morgan's car, me and Morgan have been friends since the young age of 3 and we've been close ever since, she's like the sister I never had.

"Hey Morgs"

"Hey babes, let's go get turnt!"

"OK, don't say turnt again."

"Fine! Lets go!"

10 Minutes later we arrive at the club and IT IS SOOO LOUD, I can't even hear myself think.

"Ooo cute boy!" Morgan yells and runs towards him.

Great now I'm alone, I might as well go to sit at the bar

"A club soda" I say to the bartender

"Coming right up"

"Hey" A voice I don't recognize says to me and I turn around

"Oh look, It's you" I say and then I turn back to the bar

"Yup It's me." Tyler says as he takes a stool next to me

"You remember me?"

"How could I not remember the girl who snuck into our practice"

"Yeah I guess how could you not."

"Really? Just a club soda?"

"Yup, I don't drink."

"Seriously that's lame."

"My dad and Ex were abusive alcoholics."

After I say that, Tyler looks at me and frowns

"Wow, now I sound like a jerk."

"It's not you're fault." I say as I take a sip

"I'll take what she has"

Tyler gets his drink and we sit there and talk for a bit. About 30 minutes after Morgan finds me and she's obviously wasted out of her mind.

"Ooo who's this fine piece of ass." Morgan says as she gives Tyler a nudge

"Morgan you're so drunk."

"No I'm not, well maybe a little. Seriously you should go home with this guy."

"Well this is my friend Morgan and I should really get her home." I say to Tyler and I'm about to leave when he says.

"wait Quinn, here's my number. Call me sometime k?" He winks, hands me a piece of paper with his number on it then leaves.

"Ooo you got his number! Sweet!" Morgan says as she puts her arms in the air

"Ok there, we need to get you home."

I drag Morgan to her car and place her to the passenger seat, then I get in and start to drive. I drive back to Morgan's apartment and I guide her upstairs and knock on the door.

"Hey Quinn, Jeez what happened to Morgan."

"You're sister is really wasted Jen."

"I can see that." Jen takes Morgan and guides her in

"Thanks for getting her home, night."

"No problem, Morgan actually drove me and my cars back at my apartment. Could I stay the night?"

" Of course, take the couch."

I head in and plop right onto the couch and then I slowly fall asleep but I can't stop thinking about seeing Tyler again and whether or not to call him.

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