Chapter 6

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We walk into my apartment and I get Tyler a drink and tell him to wait in my living room.

I don't know what to wear, so I decide to wear my navy blue dress and my wedges. I leave my hair up in a bun but I curl the 2 pieces of hair that frame my face and I put some makeup on.

When I come out of my room, Tyler stands up with a surprised look on his face.
"Woah, Quinn you you look...amazing."

"Cat got you're tongue?" I say jokingly

"Let's go." He says gesturing to the door

We get in my car and he tells me where to go. 15 minutes later we arrive at a fancy restaurant and it looks so expensive.

"Holy, I've never seen this restaurant before." I say in awe

"That's because it's new." Tyler says as he gets out of the car

We both enter the restaurant and sit at a table. The waitress asks us our orders. Tyler orders a steak well done and fries. I order the chicken parm.

  "Sorry again about what happened at the grocery store, didn't feel like dealing with that today."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad I didn't get jumped." I say laughing and then Tyler laughs too."

We get our food and we talk and talk. He tells me about how he got into hockey and what it was like to get traded to Dallas. I loved hearing him talk, I know it sounds cheesy but I really do.

"So Quinn, tell me a bit about you."

"Well there's not much to say, I have a brother, his name is Finn. My dad was a abusive alcoholic and I don't know where he is but I don't really care and my mom has stage 4 breast cancer."

Tyler looked at me 

"Quinn that-that's terrible. I'm sorry I had no idea."

"It's not you're fault, It feels good to let it out. I don't usually fill people in on that part of my life."

"Well I'm glad you can trust me enough to tell me."

After supper Tyler pays the bill and we head out.

"Well thanks for supper, had a great night." 

"Quinn, the night isn't over yet. Come on." Tyler says, then he takes my hand and we head to the car.

Where is Tyler taking me?

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, sorry I haven't published in a while, I was busy  getting ready for Christmas. I hope ya'll had an a great holiday and see you in the next chapter. XOXO

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