Chapter 12

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It's the next morning and I slowly open my eyes. When I'm fully awake I remember what me and Tyler did last night. I didn't regret it at all, it was amazing. I just home he didn't regret it. I turn around and Tyler is not there. I stand up and but my pj's on and I immediately smell bacon. I head down stairs and there he is, making breakfast.

"Hey babe." I say hugging him from behind

"Hey you. Good morning beautiful." He says

I go sit down and Tyler serves me breakfast. We both eat.

"We have a practice this afternoon to get ready for the game against Toronto tomorrow night, wanna come?"

"Sure, hey do you mind if my friend Morgan comes?"

"Yeah no problem, I haven't meet her yet."

"She'll be exited. I'm gonna call her now."

I grab my phone ans go out on the balcony.

"Hey Morg."

"Hey Q. What's up sista."

"Are you busy today?"

"No, I was planning on watching Criminal Minds in my pj's all day. Why?"

"Do you wanna come to Tyler's practice with me and the game tomorrow?"


"Wow don't be too exited."

"What time?"

"2 pm."

"K well I'll meet you at the rink."

"Sounds good. See you then."

I hang up the phone and go inside. 

"Morgan is coming babe."

"Perfect. Val needs me to go see him, can you meet me at the rink."

"Yeah sure, I have to get ready and watch an episode of friends."

"You and you're friends. Can't believe you like that show."

"Hey! Don't disrespect my friends." I laugh

Tyler laughs too and kisses me on the forehead before leaving out the door.

I end up watching friends and after I'm done I get ready.

I throw on my black Nike ball cap, Tyler's stars sweater and my black and white Nike running shoes.

I head out the door and I see Jamie standing in the hall.

"Hey Jamie. What are you doing here?"

"I'm taking you to practice."

"Oh OK, You sure? I was just gonna drive."

"No no it's fine. Let's go."

I get into Jamie's car and we head to the rink. Me and Jamie talked and it was nice to make another friend. 10 minutes later we arrive at the rink. We get out of the car and head in. When we get in there's stars fans waiting. They spot me and Jamie and run over to him. One of the first people is this little boy, about 5 years old.

"H-Hey Mr. Jamie sir. Can-n I have an autograph please?"

"Sure buddy, what's you're name?"

"I'm Jonathan sir."

"Well Jonathan it was nice to meet you. Hope you enjoy the practice."

The little boy gets his autograph from Jamie and runs to his dad all excited. Then more people crowd around Jamie asking for autographs.

"Hey Jamie, you're gonna be busy. I'm going to find my friend."

"Ok Quinn, see you later." Jamie says and then turns to sign more autographs.

I walk around and finally I find Morgan and she's talking with Val. They look like their flirting because Val has his arm stretched out and its against the wall near her head.

"Am I interrupting something?" I say jokingly

"Quinn, you never mentioned that you had a beautiful best friend." Val says

"Yeah Quinn you never mentioned that Tyler had a super hot teammate." Morgan says

"UGH you guys are gross." I say sticking my tongue out 

"You don't get to make fun when you and Tyler are sucking face 24/7." Val says sticking his tongue out

"Fair enough, but we don't 'suck face' 24/7." I say laughing.

Val looks at the watch.

"Shit, I have to go get my equipment on. Don't wanna be late and piss off Lindy."

"Bye Val." Morgan yells after him

He turns around and blows her a kiss. 

"Soooo glad I came."

"Ok lovebird let's go watch the practice." 

We decide to sit close to the front. The guys get on the ice and start shooting pucks at Niemi. I don't see Tyler or Jamie but then I see them skate out laughing and pushing each other. They start to do drills and Tyler is shooting at the Niemi and Lehtonen. 2 hours later the practice was over.

"Did you like it?"

"Yeah I did but I was really only paying attention to Val." Morgan says

"Jeez you're obsessed." I say rolling my eyes

"Who's obsessed?" 

We both turn around and there's Val and Tyler.

"Ummm well you see." Morgan say obviously nervous

"Morgan is obsessed with...dogs!"

"Aw man dogs are the bomb!" Val says

"Aren't they?!" Morgan says excitedly

Call me matchmaker;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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