Chapter 11

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We get to Tyler's place, Val and Jamie race in like children, then they grab a beer.

"Jamie, Val!"

"What?!" They both yell

"I'm gonna show Quinn the upstairs."

"But I've already been he..." Before I could Finnish my sentence, Tyler grabs my arm and pulls me up the stairs.

He takes me to his bedroom and throws me on the bed. He smiles and comes on top of me. He starts tickling me and I laugh.

"STOP!" I yell laughing even harder

"Ok." He says and he stops.

He starts to kiss my neck, then he kisses me on the lips, I wrap my legs around him and we keep kissing. He starts to unbutton my jeans, but then were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'm busy." Tyler says

"Yeah macking with Quinn, more of the guys got here and they want to meet Quinn." Jamie says through the door.

"Ok we'll be down in a sec." Tyler says "We'll have to Finnish this later." Tyler winks.

Me and Tyler go down stairs and there's 4 guys sitting on the couch.

"Guys, this is Quinn." Tyler says putting his arm around me.

"Hey guys."

"So you're the infamous Quinn, I'm Cody."

"Quinn this is Cody Eakin obviously, beside him is Patrick Sharp, Radek Faksa and Jason Spezza."

They all say hey and nod.

We end up playing Taboo and then we watch the Sens vs. Flames game.

"Well it was nice meeting you Quinn." Jason says

"Yeah, I hope we see you at another games." Patrick says

Everyone is gone and it's just me and Tyler. I go upstairs to his room to get ready for bed. I wash my face and put my pj's on. Just as I'm about to put on my pj bottoms, I feel 2 strong arms grab my waist. Tyler turns me around so that I'm facing him.

"God, you're beautiful." Tyler says as he moves a piece of hair away from my face.

"I guess you're lucky." I say teasing him.

"I guess I am." He says back

He starts to kiss me, we kiss and without breaking the kiss we go to his bed. He's now on top of me, the warmth from his body makes me feel relaxed. He starts to take my shirt off and after he does, I proceed to take his shirt off, showing his abs, oh god his BEAUTIFUL abs.

"Are you ready?" Tyler asks

"Yes, more then anything." I say

Tyler nods and then we... well you know what happens next ;)

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