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Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha

The next day

Kagome's POV

'Ah I don't want to leave my bed. Wait my bed?' oh that's right I probably fell asleep and Akiko brought me here like always.
He always so nice.

I got up and stretch leaving the comfort of my bed. ' I'm going to take a bath'
After taking a bath I changed into a black tank top with loose black pants, a black combat boots and a black necklace with a blue diamond pendant was around my neck. I also attach my two swords across my back in an 'x' position.
I head straight to the kingdom kitchen from which I heard the loud ring of Sango's voice.

"Morning everyone" I said entering the kitchen.

"Ohayo kagome" greeted the servants, my friends, in return.

"Hey Gome, ready to eat?" Asked Sango

"Definitely!" I exclaimed in reply.

And so Sango and I had breakfast. Breakfast was riceballs with jasmine tea. Nothing fancy for I am just a servant afterall but I enjoyed it anyway.

"You ready to go?" Akiko who popped out of nowhere asked.

"Yes" I said.

We headed to the base to wait for the others. As we waited I sat under a tree outside of the base and thought back to how I met Sango.


A fourteen year old kagome was riding her horse through a forest when suddenly a fifteen year old brunette attacked her. The brunette was wearing a torn up pink kimono and was covered in bruises. Kagome soon pin the brunette to the ground with her sword to the brunette's neck but instead of killing her, kagome knocked her out. Kagome then took her to her personal cabin that she got when she became general a month ago. The cabin was located at the southern end of the castle behind a flower garden and away from the rest of the castle. It was kagome's mother, Ria, hide-away cabin.
Kagome became the general of the southern army because she was the most skilled warrior they had and the late general, Hitsumaru, retired and gave his position to her, saying that even though she was young she was a great leader and the best warrior in the army. Ryu didn't like kagome but he knew that what Hitsumaru said was true and so he allowed her to be the general of the entire southern army.

After taking the brunette to her cabin, kagome bathe her and cleaned her wounds. She then placed her on a futon to lay until she gain consciousness. While waiting for the brunette to wake up kagome started to cook a meal.

Sango woke up to the smell of cinnamon rolls and rice balls. She inhaled the scent and her stomach started to growl for she had not eaten in days. She then remembered what happened and started to panic. Her eyes were frantically searching for a way out until she came in contact with the eyes of kagome.
"It's okay miss, I won't harm you. How are you feeling? Are you wounds hurting?" Spoke kagome
This caught brunette's attention and made her look down at her neatly bandaged wounds.
"You did this?" Questioned the brunette

"Yes, I did. How are they feeling?" Asked kagome.

"They are fine. Why...why did you help me? I attacked you." Stated the baffle brunette

"I know. But you had your reasons didn't you?" Replied kagome


"See. So what's your name miss?"


"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Here eat this you are clearly hungry." Said kagome giving Sango a bowl of food with a cup of spice tea. She then started to walk away but was stopped by the brunette.

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