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Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha.

Normal POV

It was four days before the ball. Everyone in the kingdom was busy. Servants were up and down, cleaning and decorating. King Ryu was making sure everything is prepared for the ball. Sakura was ensuring that rooms were prepared for the guests. Kagome was having a meeting with the elites. Sango was training her army. Lord Inutaisho was helping Ryu. Sesshomaru was missing. And Kikyo was with Inuyasha.
With Kikyo and Inuyasha

"I heard you enjoy riding Inuyasha." Stated Kikyo

"I do. It's really fun! We should try it sometime." Said Inuyasha excitedly.

"I do not wish to part take in such a disgusting activity. I'm a princess afterall." Said Kikyo rudely.

"Oh I see" as he heard her response his ears dropped.
I have no chance with her. I forgot I'm just a disgusting half-breed afterall. He thought to himself.

Seeing his ears dropped Kikyo immediately felt guilty for some reason.
"What I meant is that I don't know to ride a horse. I was too ashamed to tell you that." Kikyo said softly changing her previous response.

"Why didn't you say so? I'll teach you!" Replied Inuyasha with the biggest smile.

Seeing his smile Kikyo started to blush. Why is it that I feel this way? I know he's cute but why? Do I like him? He's great in bed but I didn't expect to have feelings for him. He was supposed to be a fling alone. Questioned Kikyo to herself.

Kikyo and Inuyasha continued to talk until they were interrupted by Sakura who needed kikyo's help.

With Sango

"Come on people you can do better than than!" Shouted Sango
"Mei place your legs further apart"
"Yuki you're too tense!"
"Kikino straighten your shoulders!"
Sango continued to shout advice to her soldiers.

"Okay everyone take a break!" Command Sango as she took a seat on a nearby bench.

"That's some training you got going on." Said a monk in a black and purple attire.

"Who are you?" Questioned Sango

"My apologies, I am Miroku, my lady." Replied the monk

"What are you doing here?" Asked Sango curiously yet rudely.

"I came with the western lords and as I was walking around I laid eyes on you my beautiful and fearful maiden." Said Miroku.

"Oh so you're the monk gropping the maids." Said Sango distastefully.

"Hehehe *scratches head* rumors spread fast." Responded Miroku

"So what do you want?" Asked Sango.

"My lady it would be a great honor if you spend the afternoon with me." Stated Miroku

"Ye- *grop* YOU PERVERT!" Sango slapped him across the face and walked away blushing furiously.

With kagome

"Yeah Yeah​ gome we get it...We have to protect the royal family... Our strategy in case of an ambush is this and blah blah blah...Geez chill" said Ice

"Hmm" nodded Yuri in agreement.

"Yea kags you said it like a billion times" said Mina in agreement.

"I'm just making sure that everything will be perfect." Responded Kagome seriously.

"We get it. We know what we have to do. Stop being so tense." Said Ice

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