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Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha.

Timeskip-a week before the ball

Kagome was at the stables with Sango when Akiko came running up to her.
"Kagome! The western lords are here and Ryu-sama is requesting your presence." He said between pants.
"Okay I am coming" she said walking towards the castle.

"No you don't understand. He is asking for you as a princess." Explained Akiko

"What? How come?" Asked kagome

"It doesn't matter, just hurry." And so kagome quickly went to change off and get herself looking like a princess.

Kagome POV

I hurried to my mansion with Sango trailing behind. I opened my chest where my only dresses are. I quickly changed into a black dress with green design and I put on matching accessories. Sango then put some make up on me since I don't know about such things. When she was done I looked into my mirror.
"It's been awhile huh" Stated Sango as if reading my thoughts

"Yeah. It feels weird being in a dress after 9 years. I even forgot that I am actually a real princess.
I wonder why Ryu-sama would want me to have such an experience again." I said

"Yes it is very weird. Anyway let's get going." Replied Sango and so we started heading towards the throne room where our presence, for some weird reason, is being awaited.

Upon reaching the throne room I entered and there I saw Lord Toga Inutaisho with lord Inuyasha at his right and lord Sesshomaru at his left. However, instead of greeting them I went straight towards Ryu-sama. I was about to do my usual soldier bowing but Sango nudged me with her elbow making me realize that I have to curtsy and that's what I did.

"Rise dear" said Ryu-sama in a surprisingly kind voice.
"The lords of the West are here, you should greet them and get acquainted."

"Yes Ryu-sama." I answered.

"Yes come dear sister let's introduced ourselves." Said Kikyo

'woah things are getting weirder by the second' I thought as I look over at Sango in the corner who by her facial expression is probably thinking the same thing.
I walked over to the lords with Kikyo.
"Lord Inutaisho, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru." I said as I curtsy and bow.
"Rise child" said Inutaisho-sama

"So Inutaisho-sama how was your trip?" Asked Kikyo who didn't even bow.

"It was lovely lady Kikyo."

"Good to hear." Answered Kikyo

"Kagome child, it has been awhile. You've grown into a beautiful young lady." Stated Lord Inutaisho

"Thanks Inutaisho-sama." I replied.

"No need for such formalities child. You can called me uncle Toga." Stated Inutaisho-sama.

"Yes uncle Toga." I said with a smile remembering my childhood call name for him.

"What about me uncle Toga? Don't you think I've grown into a beautiful young lady too?" Butted in Kikyo. Hearing this Inutaisho-sama cringed.

"I don't recall father giving you any right to address him as such." Stated Sesshomaru coldly.

"Sesshomaru don't be rude. Yes Kikyo-san you have turned into a very beautiful young lady." Said Inuyasha turning to Kikyo.

"Oh thank you Inuyasha. Let's go for a walk shall we?" Asked Kikyo smiling seductively.

"Yes we shall!" Exclaimed Inuyasha.
And with that they walked out of the throne room.

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