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Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha.

It was the morning of the ball. The servants were busy cooking for the ball that will be starting at 5pm. The guests were coming in and being greeted by the King's advisor. Kikyo and Sakura were already getting ready. Ryu and Toga were in the King's office. Inuyasha was with Miroku riding horses. The generals of the army was getting ready to fight. Some of the soldiers were guarding and securing the palace. Kagome and Sesshomaru were walking around the palace.

Sesshomaru's POV

'Why am I even doing this?' I questioned myself.
*Giggle* "you're so cute when u spaces out." Stated an angelic voice.
'That's right... It's because of her'

I stared at her. Her deep blue eyes are so beautiful and pure.
"Umm Sesshomaru?" Asked Kagome

I regained my composure. "Hn" was all I replied.
'This little human is making me go crazy. I have to get ready for the ball and here I am walking around, all carefree, because of her. I wish I could just retur-'

"have to go...So?" I snapped back to reality when I heard her.

"What?" I asked calmly.

"Ugh I said I have to get ready for the ball so I have to go now." She repeated.

"Hn. See you then." I replied walking away.
Kagome's POV

I was walking to my mansion when I saw Sango.

"Hey Sango" I said causing her to turn in my direction.

"Oh kagome there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." As she said that Miroku passed by.

"Hi Kagome-sama" greeted the sweaty monk.

"Were you really?" I asked Sango with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah...Um...Yea... Miroku just finished riding...." She said blushing furiously.
That's when I realized Akiko was right. Sango do like the monk.

"Oh okay" I replied.

"Yea...Well let's go get you ready for the ball, shall we?" Said Sango.

"Yes we shall" and so we went to my mansion to get ready for the ball.

We walked into my room and on the bed was a dark blue ball gown. The bottom had black lace as well as the the breast area. It had a blue wrap around the waist and was strapless. It was simple and nice in my opinion.

"Oh I got you that for the ball. It used to be your mother's, Lady kaede gave it to me." Said Sango

"Aww thanks Sango" I said hugging her. Lady kaede was one our healer. She used to be my mother's god mother.

"Okay, now let's get you ready." Said Sango pulling me towards the hot spring behind my mansion. It was small and behind some bushes so no one really knows about it.

After soaking for a while Sango and I washed ourselves and return into the mansion.
We got dressed. Sango did my make-up and hair. My hair was let loose with my bangs hanging infront my face. On my neck I wore my blue diamond necklace.

"Wow you look beautiful Kagome" said Sango smiling at me in her pink ball gown.

"Thanks Sango" I said.

"I'll meet you at the ball. I have to go somewhere." She said leaving me.

After she left I looked into the mirror at myself.
'Wow this is mom's dress.' I thought as I slowly brush my fingers along my necklace.
'Oh mom I missed you' and with that thought I started to tear up.

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