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Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. 

Oh and the video has nothing to do with the chapter. I was just listening to the song at the moment.

Next Day

3am found Sesshomaru wandering around in the forest. He couldn't get much sleep, not that he need it anway. His mind just keep thinking about the incident with Kagome. He needed a hunt to clear his head. He wandered a little more until his nose picked up the scent of a hag. He slowly made his way over to find a sleeping hag. He kicked it, waaking it up, and allowed it to run. He gave it a head start then chased behind it. I mean what fun would a hunt be if the prey just lay there and be kill.

He caught up to it and used his nail to slice it's throat, effectively killing it. He then pierce into it's stomach, grabbing a chunk of meat and placing it in his mouth. The metallic taste please him very much. He continue his feast. Upon finishing he went to wash off in a nearby hot spring. The warm water soothe his skin and relaxed his muscle. It temporarily wash away his worries.

Now clean he decided to head back to the castle. On his way out of the forest he heard two voices conversing. Of course he decided to brush it off as it did not concern him. That was until something caught his attention.

"You were suppose to kill her you fool!"

"You didn't tell me she was the head of the elites!"

That statement made Sesshomaru change his mind and decided to see what's going on. He concealed his aura and made his way to a tree overlooking the voices.

"Yea that's because I thought you could handle her but clearly I was mistaken." Said the first figure.

"Hn then why didn't you do it yourself?" Replied the second figure sticking his nose in the air with his hand cross. His red eyes showed irritation as his wavy hair sways in the wind. Sesshomaru immediately recognize him as the person that attack the royal family.

The figures continued to talk not sensing Sesshomaru's presence.

" That's because I didn't want to get my hands dirty. Sakura-sama said you were the best assassin there is but that may just be poor judgement on her part." Retorted

'Hmm so that isn't​ Sakura' Thought Sesshomaru to himself.

"Trust me, you have not seen half of what I'm capable of. I was just messing around at the ball"

"I didn't pay you to mess around. You were suppose to kill her" Stated figure one.

"Does it matter? She's going to be executed anyway" Replied the assassin

"Yes thanks to Sakura-sama" Said figure one

"Then why are you here?" asked the assassin

"Because you have to die!" The first figure said charging to the assassin with it's sword drawn.

"You're a loose end that needs tying up" it continued.

"Kukukuku you really shouldn't underestimated me little girl"

'Hn so the other figure is a female'

The battle raged on until both figure was covered in slashes and blood. The first figure with way more than the assassin.By this time the first figure was no longer under a cloak. She was exposed for all to see. She was someone Sesshomaru recognize all too well. A so called friend of Kagome.

Seeing enough Sesshomaru decided to intervene.

"Hn how pathetic. First you set up an innocent girl. Then you turned on each other. Demons really are selfish creatures."

"Why if isn't lord Sesshomaru. What caused you to grace us with your presence?" Mocked the assassin.

"Lo-lord S-sesshomaru?" Said the figure looking at him with fear in her eyes.

"Hn I'll be taking you both with me" Stated Sesshomaru before attacking them.

"Kukukuku this is getting interesting" Laughed the assassin knocking out the figure before facing Sesshomaru.

"So tell Lord Sesshomaru why do you care so much about what I did to that girl? Could it be that the Great Demon Lord fell for a weak little human?" Said the assassin laughing at Sesshomaru.

"Hn" Said Sesshomaru narrowing his eyes as his teeth clenched while he swung his sword barely missing the assassin's neck.

"Seems like I hit a nerve" Laughed the assassin as he dodged Sesshomaru's attack.

"Is that right half-breed?" Responded Sesshomaru smirking when he saw that the assassin vein popped out when he called him half-breed, thus letting Sesshomaru know he hit a nerve.

"How funny. This same half-breed will be your death. The name is Naraku by the way, as you need to know who kill you." Said Naraku laughing  as he  shot a tentacle in Sesshomaru'sdirection.

"Is that so.." Mused Sesshomaru as he suddenly appeared behind Naraku, knocking him out.

Sesshomaru then picked up the two figures and carry then back to the castle where he threw them in a cell.


Well that's it....Sorry if it was short and didn't provide much information but trust me it will get better...I hope...lol

This is my shortest chapter yet..I think

Anyway hope you enjoy!

And don't worry I'll be updating soon....I won't take as long as always.

Thanks for reading...

See you later

The chapter was slightly edited

Kagome's RiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora