chapter eight

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Today was the day that 'Christopher' was coming with my child

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Today was the day that 'Christopher' was coming with my child. I'm fearful of my child not remembering me or her being scared of me. If that happens I might just kill  this Christopher guy. How do you snatch my baby from her mother? That's the worst thing you can do to a mother.

There's a possibility he could be my baby father, but I highly doubt that. The only memories I can recall of a man being in my life besides my father, is blurry. It's mainly me going through some sorta of physical pain. But, what type of man will abuse his baby mother while she is pregnant?

Today, I was in town with my aunt, grocery shopping. Many people gave me weird looks and whispered silently to the person next to them. It was obvious that they were talking about me, but I shrugged it off.

My aunt kept eyes on me like a hawk and these last few days she's been acting strange. It was my moms orders for her to keep her eyes on me for no reason. I'm an adult who can take care of themselves.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by something bumping into my leg. I looked down and seen the baby who seemed to be lost, "Dónde está tu mama?"

I picked up the 2 year old and searched through the crowd of townspeople and tourist. I looked at the baby for a quick second. Recognizing she looked  familiar but I shook it off.  She seemed to be comfortable in my arms, which I found odd because I was a complete stranger. Her eyes were glossy and her lip was poked out. I smiled at her and patted her back until her head was rested on my shoulder. I sighed and continued looking, my aunt was hot on my tail.


We've been looking for an good half of hour for her parent or parents.

"Shannon, we just should report her to the police station-"

"Tía are you dumb?,"I looked at my aunt crazy she'll have more hope staying with me then those cops. "They'll probably wouldn't do much."

We were currently seated on benches near a local hotel. Hoping that the people walking pass us were the Marleys' parents. I found her name by looking at her golden bracelet which her name was embedded in.

"Have you by any-"

"Mama!" The baby leaped from my lap onto the ground, hugging her moms legs.

The lady picked up her child and hugged her tightly. She started crying and whispering into her daughters ear. This was a beautiful reuion which made me wonder how I would be when I see my daughter.

After a mintue or so, she pulled away from her daughter and looked at me.

I was slighty smiling when she looked at me.

"I want to say thank you and I really appericate it! Only god knows where Marley would've been if you didn't see her. I glanced down at my map from a quick second and she was gone," she pulled her wallet out and handed me a hundred dollar bill.

"Oh no, I can't take that." I shook my head and attempted to give it back to her.

"Keep it!" I looked her in her eyes, finally getting time to study her, she looked more familiar to me then her daughter.

"Kaileah?!" I closed my eyes trying to remember a little bit of her. Which I did. I remember her telling me that I'm having a girl and the name of my baby. But everything else was quite a blur was a blur.

"Tobi?" My lips curved into a smile while I said so.

After a few minutes of catching up we said our farewells. "Well we have to go. It was nice seeing you after all this time. I thought you were dead or something," She chuckled at her little side joked. If only see knew the half of it. "I must get going now." I sighed left her lips.

"Marley say bye." Marley waved at me with a small smile.

I returned the gesture. A sigh of relief left my lips as they parted away from us.


A couple hours or so later we were heading home. My aunt kept talking about Christopher and the possibilities of running into him. But, I didn't want anything to do with him. I was obvious that he had an important role in my family, but I don't want to hear about him 24/8.

"Tía pull over." I squinted my eyes at the baby who was by herself and heading into the alleyway.

"Shan-" My aunt kept driving but at a slower speed then  before.

"Tia I said pull over!" I shouted as she stopped the car. I hopped out and started running to the alley on which I seen the baby go to.

I looked around the darkness to figure out where the baby was. I heard a low giggle in front of me, but when I reached forward nothing was there.

"Royalty are you there baby?"  My voice boomed of the brick walls.

"I see you fell for my trap."  I felt a hand slide against the back of my neck, which made me run further into the alley.

Their footsteps running behind me could be heard also. I slowed my pace down when I couldn't hear their footsteps anymore. I turned and ducked behind a dumpster. I heard a cat hiss at me then bit me on my leg. I rolled my eyes and huffed. I kicked it and watched it run of somewhere

I placed my back on it and took deep breaths as it was deprived from me when I was running. Everything seemed to be pitch black, which scared me even more.

Who would be after me anyways? The footsteps could be heard again. My heartbeat started racing, the beating sounded loud enough to be heard from 3 miles away. I covered my nose and mouth with my hands, when I heard the person step in front of the dumpster.

"Why'd you run away Shannon?" The person grabbed my arm and looked down at me.


"Yeah. I told you about this before, I was gonna "surprise" you. Always being a white person." I laughed at his joke and slapped his chest.

"Whatever. Don't do that again."


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