So Many Berries

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This story takes place in Pokémon X. On Route 7, there is a berry field. I never used it in any of the ten million times I restarted. One time, I decided to check it out. The guy gave me three Oran Berries and three Pecha Berries. I planted the Oran Berries, and watered them. After a few days of taking care of the Oran Berries, I harvested them. There were 16 berries total. I planted the 16 berries. After they grew into trees, I harvested them, and there were 119 berries. And that was only 16 berries I planted! Then I found a Sitrus Berry. Can you guess what I did with it? Yup. I planted it. After a while of harvesting and re-planting, I had 248 Sitrus Berries, and there are more berries on the way. I aim to have at least one hundred of each kind of berry that cures a status condition, such as Pecha, Cheri, Rawst, Chesto and Aspear, and five hundred Sitrus Berries, so I never have to buy heals, except for Revives.

NOTE: Comment your ideas for a story that I should do plz.

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