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It's been two months since me and Jason got married and honeymooned in Italy. Everything is going great Life has been a dream getting done with high school  in L.A, Getting Leo back going to college in New Rome, Getting a house in New Rome, Living down the road from Percy and Annabeth.

 I was at a bakery with Annabeth and Reyna. Hazel couldn't make it she was studying for a big test for New Rome's college she and Frank are still in school. Calypso couldn't come also because she and Leo were getting Leo's and Calypso's Garage ready for it's grand opening. Reachel was busy at Camp Half Blood. 

"I was so scared I missed my period but it turns out I was just a little late." Annabeth explained 

Missing a period now that I think about it I haven't had mine since a month and about three weeks ago.

" What was Percy's reaction?" Reyna asked.

"He freaked out, Once I told him I thought I might be pregnant he kept  on saying oh my gods oh my gods Athenas gonna kill me not that I'm not happy I love you Wise Girl but your mom is gonna kill me. I had to tell him we didn't even know if i was pregnant or not."

to think about I've been sick lately.

"Guys I think I might be pregnant." I said

"Are you sure?" Annie sounded worried 

I told them about all the symptoms i've had. After that we got in Annabeth's  car and drove to the store.

Rey  payed I told her she didn't have to but Reyna can stand her ground.

We went to my house, Jason wasn't home he and Percy were sparring.

I took the test and waited I didn't know if I should be happy or not. 

Annabeth and Reyna were trying to cheer me up but we all knew nothing was going to make me feel better.

After the longest minute of my life we had to check. I couldn't bring myself to look so Reyna went into the bathroom to look well Annabeth sat next to me.

Reyna looked like she was going to cry. She gave the test to Annie she let her tears roll down.

"What is it?" I asked

Annabeth handed the test to me and it was positive.

We all sat there crying until the boys came home........


Ok loving writing the story. Do you guys love reading it? 

shoutout to @sf12Pet for giving me the idea.

if you see this comment FRIEDCHICKEN

questions for the next chapter

How is jason going to react?

What is Jiper going to do?

What do you guys think?

thanks for reading.


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