Leo and Calypso's Garage

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LEOS p.o.v

When you have everything you ever wanted you always think some immortal being will just knock on your door and say "Hey, how's it going. Funny story I did something incredibly stupid and now you have to fix it"

All I can think about is something like that will happen because I've never been this happy without something going wrong.

I mean like when my mom was alive Hera and Gaea messed that up on purpose. When I thought I had the two best friends at wilderness School turns out mine and Beauty Queens memories of Jason where made up by Hera. When I met Calypso all the odds where stacked against us.

But sunshine keeps reminding me I came out alive and everything turned out alright and now we need to just be happy because we finally have everything we ever wanted.

I'm super nervous though. Today is the grand opening of Leo and Calypso's garage. I can't help but think something is going to go wrong.

But for right now mamacita is right we should be happy. And I will be once we today ends and the grand opening goes well.

Calypso's p.o.v

Leo worries too much. We are at the grand opening and everything is going fine all our friends are here. Everything is going well.

"Sunshine need help severing all that soup?" Leo asked

I looked him up and down somehow he had managed to get the nice dress shirt and jeans dirty.

"Leo, have you been working?" I asked

"Well.." Leo started

"No Valdez, tell me straight and do not lie second I don't need help but it is very sweet of you to ask and third go talk to our friends your already stressed out go and have some fun."

"Ok Callie, I was just nervous so I started building."

"Good now go have some fun I got this." I laughed because I could see he really did think the Garages grand opening wouldn't go as planned.

Leos p.o.v

After my true Love sent me away I looked for my friends I saw Piper and Jason first I was glad to see them.

"Hey guys."

"Hey repair boy this is a real turn out." Piper said proudly

"Yeah really impressive." Jason truely looked impressed

That meant a lot coming from them.

"Pipes, now is our chance." Jason said

"Your right no time like the present." Piper said back

"Leo..." Jason started but was Interupped by Piper

"Not here we need to talk in pivate." She finished

I could tell this was important to them so I went along with it and held back some jokes about them being monsters in disguise and trying to kill me.

We where all sitting in there car.

Jason and Piper had a silent conversation with there eyes this is when I would usually leave them alone but just as I was going to leave Piper started talking. 

"Valdez you know how you call yourself Uncle Leo."


"Well, what if I told you, you were actually going to be Uncle Leo??"

I couldn't believe it my best friends are having a BABY!!!!!!


hey guys hope you like it. The Christmas special will be up today or tomorrow for this story and Ellie and danny if you see this comment owls are awesome. love you guys. Happy holidays

Five hundred and seventy six words.

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