How To tell Uncle Leo that he is Uncle Leo

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Jason told me it was going to okay, but that's not why I was crying. I was crying because I was happy. Jason, a family, Friends who cared, parents that where there for me, those are the things I wanted out of life and now I have them all.

"Hey sparkey, I'm happy about the baby." 

He looked down at me and his eyes lit up and he said, "That's great, I've always wanted to have kids."

Then I smiled I knew he would make a great dad.

Just then I had a thought how are we going to tell our family.


"Um, Jase "

"Yeah Pipes"

"How are we going to tell everyone?" She asked me 

"Well It's too bad Percy,Annabeth and Reyna already know."

"Why is that?" Piper asked confused 

"Because I think the first person to know should be Leo, I mean he is our best friend. And don't forget the guy calls himself uncle Leo." I really did think Leo should have been the first to know.

" Repair Boy will be so happy. Maybe he will make some of his To Fu  tacos that I am craving so bad."

Jiperismyotp's p.o.v

 Hey Guys sorry it's been such a long time I didn't Know It was that long I just kinda foregot sorry.

The Furture Of Our HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora