Episode 4- Familiars

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Mara ☝🏻

At three in the morning I stood quite suspiciously next to my car smoking away on a cigarette trying to occupy myself. I am tired out of my mind, sometimes I wonder if staying awake is worth it but then I begin to feel my heart thumping out of my chest. I shake my head throwing my cigarette on the wet ground of me as I hear a loud, fearful growl at the park across the street. I couldn't make out a thing, it was pitch black. The dim lights didn't help much.

I stride over to the park grabbing out my demon blade from my side belt as I hear a scream of a dying woman. I started to run towards the sound as I focus down upon a half woman half bird. She had a woman's face but wings as arms and claws as feet. I've heard about these before, they were familiars, but I've never thought I'll encounter one because they are becoming very extinct just like hunters many of them used to share bounds with.

I kneel next to the familiar as she glances at me with some sort of hope in her eyes.

"Y-you're a hunter?" She mumbles as she holds onto her wound.

I nod, "Yes."

I could faintly see her smile as she grabs what it seems to be a necklace around her neck before yanking it off with a tug. She weakly grabs my hand forcing the necklace into my hands as she closes them and looks at me seriously.

"Don't let them hurt her, protect her," she says with a tear running down her face before everything goes limp as her body turned into ash in front of my eyes.

I hurried back to my car before looking the door before I look down at the necklace to see it was a locket. I opened it to find a picture of a young girl, 14... 15 maybe. Next to the picture it wrote, love you, Mara.

I clenched the locket in my palm as the familiar's words repeated in my mind. 'Don't let them hurt her, protect her.' What exactly am I protecting her from?

I waited until five before starting my search for this young girl. I visited one of the two cafes in this town. I went straight to the red-haired woman at the cash register as she smiles widely.

I flash my badge, "Names Agent Fisher, do you know a young girl name Mara."

She slowly shakes her head, "I've never heard of a Mara."

"Thanks for your time," I look at her name tag, "Miss Margaret.

She nods her head before carrying on doing her job as I head to the next cafe asking the same question.

"You mean Mara Lingood. She used to stop by hear and there and walk past for school but haven't seen her do that today, maybe she had a sick day."

"Thanks for your time," I say before heading back to my car.

I got my computer out from the back searching up her name. To see no information but a photo from, Parker high school.

While driving to the school I swear I did at least 20 yawns in only 2 minutes. I didn't waste time as I rush into the school hurrying to see the principal.

I walked I the office to see an oldish woman at a desk wearing reading glasses. She looks up at me before taking her glasses off.

"May I help you?" She inquires.

I quickly flash my badge before getting down to business. "You have a Mara Lingood at this school."

"Yes, I very fine student. Why?"

"Do know where she lives?"

"176 Batten road," she reads off her computers as I rush out of her office towards her home.

The house was old and out of town in the middle of know where. I twist the door handle to notice it was unlocked. When I step inside something crunched under my feet. When I look down glass was scattered everywhere. I search a few rooms to see everything pulled down and destroyed.

I punch the wall next to me as I was too late to save Mara. At least that was what I thought until I see a small book hidden in a crack in the wall.

I pull it out before skipping a few pages to see hurried hand writing, whoever you are, if you are reading this that would only mean I have been taken. Get help and send them to the old church.

I run back out to my car before going onto my computer searching up this old church. It was built in 1865 and was the first building in the town and everyone has disagreed on demolishing it. It is on 13 Givens road, but many people have said it to be haunted as they hear loud growls when they pray.

I slam my laptop closed before speeding off towards my destination hoping this girl isn't hurt. I grip my demon blade before charging into the church.

I glimpse around as my eyes lay on a girl half-awake tied to a chair by chains. If I remember correctly their weakness is metal. I stride towards her as a figure emerges from the shadows.

"Miss Margaret, are you the bitch or someone's bitch," I laugh seriously at her identity but then it just gets better when the principal steps out from the shadows.

The principle laughs before she touches the young girl as she begins to scream as this yellow light flows into this old woman making her look young again.

"Leave her alone, you bitch," I run towards her to only be tackled by a large panther making me drop my blade.

I block her from biting me with on hand as I reach from my knife with the other as my finger tip just nips the handle. I watch as the panthers hand rises ready to strike but suddenly she went flying off me and in this situation I'm finally happy someone from hell is trying to protect me. I quickly grab my knife as the panther runs at me again just in time as I turn to strike the knife into her stomach as it growls before becoming limp. The principal yells as she falls to her knees.

I walk up to her grabbing her hair with was a light golden blonde. I bent her back slightly as she grips my hand weakly begging me to stop. I dug my blade into her heart as I felt it stop beating through my blade.

I drop her to the ground before turning around to help Mara as she quickly recovers after she's away from the metal.

"You okay Mara?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "My mum sent you didn't she."

I nod regrettably, "she passed away last night."

Many tears rolled down Mara's face as she begins to sob. "What do I do now?"

"What do you want to do?" I question leaning against my car.

"I wanna come with you."

My eyes open wide in shock. "Mara you seen what I do. You won't like it."

"My mother was a warrior, a fighter. I'm not going to sit back in this shit hole and do nothing. Please take me with you."

I nod my head slowly, "Fine but not until you know hand to hand combat."

"I've been on the run ever since I was born, you think I don't know any combat."

I put my hands up in surrender, "Fine, fine don't hurt me."

She laughs as she rubs her tears, but I can still see the sadness in her eyes. It made me feel a little down knowing that I don't know what she's going through as I never knew my parents.

"Well, welcome to the car life. All aboard." I say as we get in and set off down the road towards evil.

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