Letter 2

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Letter 2

Dear Kendall,

You were my best friend. My first one. I know I had Chloe and Paige, but it always seemed to me I was like the third wheel. They were the Twinnies. Sure, Dance Moms fans called us the 'Original Trio', but apparently Josh was in the Original Trio. Not me.

So when you came to the studio, I was ecstatic. We were both 10 with brown hair. And as soon as you made the team, we were best friends. The teachers called us 'the Brown Haired Twinnies' because Paige and Chloe got mad at us for calling ourselves Twinnies. I finally had a best friend.

I mean Brooke was best friends with Ryleigh from the Senior Team, Kenzie and Nia were best friends, and Paige and Chloe were best friends.

Everyone told me to not get too attached to you. They thought you would leave for the show, but you never did. I mean you 'went' to Candy Apples, but you competed with us.

I remember when you and me would have sleepovers. We would make fun of Cathy and walk around in your mom's high heels. It was fun while it lasted.

I remember the first movie we watched. It was Pitch Perfect. I pulled it out of my bag, and you had no clue what it was. I fake gasped and told you that you weren't human. We watched the movie 2 times, then you begged me to teach you the Cup Song.

It surprised me when we got into 8th grade. Kenzie stole my straightener, so I was late for school. It was the first day, so I wanted to look good. So, I let you go to school on your own. I didn't want you be late because of me. So I let you go.


I hurried into the school. I smiled as Kenzie rushed in behind me. She spotted her best friend, Brooke Kosinski, and ran over to her squealing. It was her first day in Middle School, and I was surprised she found Brooke so fast.

I remember when I lost Kendall on the first day because I turned around. Even though we stepped in together.

I went to my locker and opened it. The rusty hinges made an unpleasant squeaky noise. I grimaced, then sighed. I had the squeaky locker that everyone talked about it. I shoved my backpack in the locker and grabbed my schedule. I slammed the locker shut and hurried towards the stair case.

I sighed and checked my phone. Kendall said she would wait by my locker. I pushed open the metal door and gasped. A girl with brown hair was lip locked with a boy with red hair. The boy's hair was sticking up in all directions. The couple was obviously too into their make-out session to notice me.

"Excuse me?" I said sharply. The couple pulled away quickly and I gasped again. Kendall. Jake. My best friend. My boyfriend.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Kend.." I whispered. They both shot up from their position on the floor. "Babe.." Jake walked to me, hands wide. I needed a hug, but not from him. I shoved him to the wall. "I'm not your 'babe'." I choked out. I ran upstairs, Kendall on my heels.

"Mads!" She whined.

I whipped around. "Only friends call me that." I wiped the tears from my eyes and headed into my English class. I slid into a seat, Kendall and Jake still on my mind. "Okay, class. Turn to page 11 in your workbooks." The English teacher said cheerfully.


I can't believe my best friend was kissing my boyfriend. I guess all those times you said you hated him, you had probably been kissing him a few hours before. My best friend was a cheat.

You know what? I could've told Michael but I didn't. To this day, Michael knows nothing about you kissing Jake on the first day of 8th grade. Michael doesn't know you 'did it' at Sierra Clay's party.

Because I'm a good friend unlike you.

I even hooked you up with him. I was friends with him, and you had 'Michael Stacy' written in your notebooks with hearts.

It didn't matter that I hooked you up with Michael Stacy. It didn't matter that I gave you my solo costume when Jill spilled a milkshake on it and I went onstage in a leotard. It didn't matter that I paid Abby 20$ to give us a duet. It didn't matter that I stayed up til 3 AM with you when you sprained your ankle when you snuck out.

None of that mattered. At all.

You don't matter to me anymore, Kendall K Vertes. I'm in Heaven now. I'm just a ghost. That means you can't spit and dance on my grave with Claire Miller because I'll see it.

Yeah, I remember Claire Miller. She tried to take Michael away from you, but since she was the head bitch at Franklin, you became her best friend. You left me. Do you know what makes it worse? You traded Michael with Claire and left me in the dust.

Never did I ever think Kendall K Vertes would leave me for Claire Miller. I won't be surprised if you don't make it on Broadway. Those times I told you that you would, I lied.

I wish I wasn't dead. Because if I wasn't, I would get a job at New York Times or start a magazine. I would tell all of the world what the famous Kendall Vertes did.

'Remember that sweet brunette from the hit show 'Dance Moms'? Look at her now! She traded her best friend and boyfriend to become friends with the popular girls at school! And she even quit dance for it! I hope you don't follow her path!'

I could make your life miserable. All those old fans would think 'What happened?'

Kendall K Vertes.

I wish you broke your foot instead of Paige. I wish I never set you up with Michael Stacy. I wish I never changed schools so we could go together. I wish I never did all those duets with you.

Most of all, I wish I never met you.

You are one of the main reasons I killed myself. I couldn't take that you kissed Jake Matthews in the hall. I couldn't take all those mean notes you put in my locker for Claire. I couldn't take that you left me just because you wanted everyone to fear you.

You traded your Converses for a pair of high heels. You just wanted Freshmans to shove themselves in a locker because you looked at them. I laughed at you everyday.

I remember running home before Kenzie could so I could throw away those mean notes you gave me. I wanted her to know I was okay so she wouldn't feel the pressure I had. No one should go through what I did.

But people do everyday.

Because of people exactly like you.


Madison Nicole Ziegler.

Your ex-best friend.

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