Letter 8

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Letter 8

Dear Nia,

You didn't understand why I cried on the last day of sophomore year. You didn't know that soon I would go home and kill myself.

I'm sorry. I know you were my best friend. But you don't have anything to do with this. I just couldn't take the pain anymore.

I won't care if you flick off all the people I hated. I give you permission to say it to whoever says the miss me if you know they won't.

I know you won't because you're too nice, but just incase you're feeling fiesty, I give you permission.

I'm sorry you can't freak out with me when you figure out who Gossip Girl is. But here's a premade message for when you figure it out:

What the fuck? Why them out of all people? Oh my gosh.

I would say him or her, but you would get a hint and we all know you hated hints on books and movies.

I'm sorry I didn't live to the Fault In Our Stars movie but I cried enough in my life.

And Nia Sioux Frazier, I want you to grow up and do everything you planned on.

I want you to finally stand up to Abby when she belittles you for everything.

I want you to get out of Pittsburgh and move to New York like you planned.

I want you to become a Broadway star, because Nia Frazier, you have a hell of a voice.

I want you to give an autograph and see your name in lights.

I want you to marry the boy of your dreams and live on the beach with your kids (2 girls, 1 boy. Don't think I would forget).

Most of all, Nia Sioux Frazier, I want you to live the life you wanted to live. I hope you have a wonderful life.

Don't worry about me. I'll still love you forever and ever Nia.

Love, your best friend.
Madison Ziegler

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