Letter 3

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Letter 3

Dear Chloe,

We have been best friends since I walked into my first ballet class. It was your 2nd year. I told you I was scared that it was hard, so you tried to show me some simple moves, but I failed to perform it correctly. Some girl named Marie found it extremely funny that I lifted my heels while doing a plié. We didn't truly become best friends til you stood up for me. Til you walked over to Marie and stuck your tongue out and told her to stop being a butt.

We both laughed as Marie ran away to her friends to tell about us. I felt truly good that you had done that for me. You go down in the books as the first girl to stand up for Madison Nicole Ziegler. The deceased Madison Nicole Ziegler. That sounds nice. Tell my mother to put that on my gravestone.

Anyways, the first day you turned against me was truly horrible. I remember it, because it was 6 weeks exactly before the day I killed myself. I made sure it was the same exact day. It was a Monday. I walked into school, and I was happy. I had gotten first place and the Breathtaking Award at the competition that weekend. I was excited to tell my boyfriend, Gino. You should remember him.

It was early, so I guessed he wasn't there. I went to my locker, and then Mallory came in with Courtney and Halen at her side. The 'Populars'.


"Maddie!" I heard a high pitched voice yell my name. I turned to see Mallory standing a few feet away. Halen and Courtney were on either side of her, arms crossed over their chests. "I heard you took Halen's title at the competition." She said.

I shrugged. Halen had competed in my age division with Studio 19, Kendall's old studio. Her solo sucked, and I could tell her parents paid for it. She didn't just earn it for her horrible dancing. Her solo was called 'It Girl' and her costume was bright red. It looked horrible and was too big. The dance was worse. She missed her front aerial, only did one turn, and did 5 cartwheels in a row and fell. Who does cartwheels in a dance?

"She sucked." I said simply. Halen and Courtney's jaw dropped. "You'll regret that, Ziegler." Courtney replied snottily. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I began to put my books into the locker. Suddenly, a hand shoved me into the locker. My head hit the side of the locker, making a big 'bang'. I fell to the tile floor, and slowly opened my eyes. Courtney and her clique smirked at me from above.

I saw Chloe standing in the back by the lockers, giving me a sympathetic look. "Bye, Maddie!" Mallory said sweetly. She gave me a fake smile, and they walked away. I looked at Chloe. "I'm sorry." She whispered. I began to push myself off the ground. "It's fine." I said quietly. "Chloe!" Courtney's shrill voice filled the hall. Chloe sighed. "Bye, Mads." And she ran off down the hall to the Clique.

End of Flashback

I got a scar from that, Chlo. Actually, cross that out. If I called you 'Chlo' that would mean we are friends. So don't go to my funeral and cry. Don't say "Maddie didn't deserve to die," because you're one of the reasons that I am dead. I don't want you to go to school and pretend to be depressed so teachers and students pity you.

You might think it's horrible that what you call your 'best friend' died. But a best friend doesn't stand in the back and watch them get bullied. Paige actually stood up for me when I started a FRHS. I had been homeschooled for about 4 years, and she knew I was nervous.

While Courtney's Clique made fun of me for being a 'Homeschooled Freak', you stood there. But Paige stood up for me. Paige was a real friend. Unlike you.


Madison Nicole Ziegler.

Your 'best friend'.

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