Letter 11

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Letter 11

Dear Kenzie,

I want you to know, even though you did many horrible things to me.. I love you. You weren't the reason I'm dead, and I don't want you to ever think that.

I knew you were a follower... If that sounds bad to you, it's really not. Sometimes. It just means you wanted to do what everyone else did. At that time, everybody hated me.

It hurt at first to think that my own sister hated me. But then I realized you were following the crowd.

I love you more than words can explain, Mackenzie Frances Ziegler. I want you to grow up and be the beautiful girl you were meant to be.

I remember when you were 10 and it was the season 4 finale of Dance Moms. We were at Nationals, and I competed against Chloe. We hadn't competed in years... She beat me by .3 points and I cried. You came up to me, hugged me, and said, "Maddie, don't cry. You did amazing! I want to be just like you when I grow up."

Mackenzie, you've lived in my shadows for too long. I want you to become the best dancer you can be. Be the star of ALDC.

I know it will hurt at first. It will be like when Brooke died...

When Brooke died, I felt lost. I felt empty. I felt broken. I felt nothing. It felt like a piece of me was missing. Like when you're trying to finish a puzzle, but you realize you're missing a piece.

I know you'll be lost, and empty, and broken, and just feel nothing. But please don't be like me. Don't let yourself fall into the pit known as depression.

Depression is like an ocean. You keep swimming and swimming, trying to stay afloat. But one day, you just drown. The depression takes over you. That's what happened to me.

I will miss you more than anything in the world, and I will always love you.



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