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"Kenzie?" Her all familiar voice asked. It was dark, and I couldn't see her, but I knew she was here.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying on the floor on a stage, the bright lights shining down on me. It felt like I was about to dance, but there was no music to start and there was no crowd to watch me. It was only me and her.

I sat up and looked at her. She was smiling softly as she looked at me. She was wearing a soft white dress with flowers in her hair, and her brunette hair waving down her shoulders.

"How are you here?" I said quietly.

Maddie smiled at me. "Don't worry about that," she said. She kneeled down next to me. "I really miss you."

I nodded. "I just want you to come back," I choked back a sob. Even though she was right here, I could feel the pain rushing back like a tidal wave. I was dreaming. Maddie was dead, and in an hour or so, I would wake back up and the reality of it all would come back. She's not here.

"I can't. You know that." She took my hands in hers. "Don't be sad, please. It was for the best for me."

I shook my head. The tears began to well up in my eyes. "I should've been there. You always said you could read my emotions, but how come I couldn't read yours?" I sobbed. "If I was a good sister I would've been able to help."

Maddie wrapped her arms around me. "No, Kenzie. It's not your fault," she began to stroke my hair.

I sat up. "What's gonna happen?" I asked quietly.

"Kenzie... Heaven is a beautiful place. Everybody is young, and nobody's in pain. Everything is perfect and just... People go there at different times," Maddie said carefully. "Now is my time. Now, you- You have a long time. I know you miss me, and I miss you, but you gotta keep living. I hate seeing you sad, and just remember all the good times. It'll get you through."

I nodded and wiped my eyes. "What do you do in Heaven?" I smiled at her.

She smiled at me. "Well, you'll figure that out sooner or later," she gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you soon."

"What? No, no!" I felt the tears well up again. "You can't leave. Not now! You just got here!"

"It's okay, Kenz. I have to go," she stood up. She began walking into the wings, which were bursting with light.

"Maddie! Maddie!" I yelled. I stood up and ran to the wing, but when I stepped in, the light disappeared. It was like any other wing- dark, and filled with bobby pins and scattered with CDs and plugs.

I flipped a chair over. "Maddie! Come out! This isn't funny!" I yelled.


"Kenzie... Kenzie! Wake up!" A voice said. The ground began shaking and I looked around. It felt like an earthquake, but it was silent and nothing fell. I could only hear the voice yelling at me to wake up.

"I am awake!" I said, dropping to my knees. I covered my ears as I heard the voice, begging me to wake up.

"Kenzie!" The voice said. My eyes shot open, and I looked around.

I wasn't on a stage. I was in my bed, listening to my mother trying to wake me up.

"Mom! I had a dream," I grinned, kicking the blankets away as I stood up to explain the dream.

"Yeah, you can tell me about it later. Now, c'mon! I told you we have to go to breakfast with your cous-"

"Mom, please!" I begged. "It was about Maddie."

Mom's face softened. "Maddie...?" She said quietly.

I nodded. "Yeah," I smiled. "She talked to me. She said that she missed us... But she doesn't like to see us sad."


"She doesn't want us to hurt, mom," I said. "She told me that it was her time."

"I'm... I'm going to go take a bath," Mom said quietly, quickly walking out.

I sighed, and sat down at my desk. I pulled out a piece of paper and pencil.

I began writing on the top line;

Dear Maddie

Letters To You // MZWhere stories live. Discover now