Chapter 2: A little gift.

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As I leaned back and began my ritual of drinking, I heard a noise coming from the back. I rubbed my bearded chin and grabbed my pistol from the holster, quietly walking down the hallway to the mess hall.

Quickly, I bolted in front of the door, ready to fire, and aimed my pistol. However, to my surprise, there was nothing there-just a few pots and pans scattered on the floor.

I began to cautiously walk around the mess hall, looking for any sign of movement as I made my way over to the pots and pans.

Bending down, I looked into the cabinet and saw a pair of eyes staring back at me. I aimed my pistol and motioned for the person to come out. As I backed up, a young girl, no older than five years of age, crawled out with tears rolling down her eyes, prompting me to holster my gun.

I sighed and kneeled down to her. "So, I'm guessing you came from the colony, huh?" She nodded at me, then quickly hugged me, holding onto my neck tightly.

Suddenly, she let loose and began to cry. I tried to hold back my own tears and picked her up, walking over to the medical bay to make sure she wasn't hurt. "I was her age when Earth was destroyed," I thought to myself as I sat her down on the operating table and grabbed my medical scanner.

"Now listen here, darling. This isn't going to hurt. I'm just going to check to make sure you're okay."

I began to run a few scans to ensure she was human and check for any serious injuries. I smiled at her and patted her on the head. "Well, little one, besides some scrapes and cuts, you're going to be fine." She smiled up at me with her big blue eyes and reddish-brown hair. She then made a motion to be picked up, and I obliged, walking back into the mess hall.

"So, I'm guessing you're hungry, huh?" I said to her as I sat her down on the counter and opened up the refrigerator. "Well, you're in luck. Chef Alex shall prepare for you the best food in the galaxy," I said to her in a playful French accent.

I pulled out some bread, peanut butter, and a jar of grape jelly. With the dexterity of a seasoned smuggler, I crafted the all-time universal best PB&J sandwich, which I then cut into fours for her and placed on my last clean plate. I smiled as I set it beside her, and she began to eat. I turned around and sighed, contemplating what to do with this kid. Maybe the U.E.D.F could find a place for her.

I leaned on the counter and said, "So, got a name, or do I need to think up one for you?" She only smiled and then finished her sandwich.

"I've dealt with your kind before... the strong silent type! I'll get you to talk!" I said to her in a playful manner. She only smiled and giggled a bit before jumping down onto the floor.

She walked over to me and tugged on my duster. I kneeled down, and she whispered in my ear, "Luna." She then ran off towards the other side of the mess hall, and I could only smile.

"Alright, Luna, come on. Let's see if I've got some clothes that might fit you." She ran over to me and took my hand as we walked into the back of the cargo room, where I began to sort through a few crates of clothes that I had intended to sell at the colony.

"Ah ha! Here we go, some overalls and boots, and a yellow 'Space Jammers' shirt-a perfect match, huh?" She grabbed the clothes, then ran off towards the bathroom to change. "Clever girl," I said to myself as I walked back to the cockpit and sat down in the pilot's seat, checking my flight time.

"Papa, I'm changed," she said to me as I turned around. "Whoa there, Missy... I am not your papa. Now, I'm just Alex." She then frowned at me, tears starting to roll down her cheek. "Aw... now you can call me 'papa' until we find you a place to stay, alright? This ship isn't for little kids, especially little girls." She then smiled and jumped up onto the copilot's seat, putting on the headset. I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes, knowing this was going to be a long day and an even longer flight.

Crimson Flare : A Journey BeginsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz