Chapter 6: Shopping and gun smoke.

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After our eventful shopping trip, we returned to the ship, Crimson Flare, with boxes of clothes and supplies in tow. Kira had found her prized power converter generator, and Lucy was happily carrying a bag full of her new clothes. As we settled in, I couldn't shake the feeling of danger lurking in the air.

Suddenly, my instincts kicked in, and I sensed the approach of imminent danger. I quickly dropped the boxes and activated my protective duster, forming a shield around me and the girls just in time to deflect a laser shot. "Lucy, run! Go with Kira, quickly!" I shouted, pushing them towards the hangar bay.

They hurriedly made their way to safety as I pulled out my pistol, ready to defend against the unknown assailant. I fired a round, catching a glimpse of a figure leaping from the bell tower. Determined, I pursued, leaping up with the help of my rocket boots onto the church roof, where the assailant awaited me.

Engaging in a fierce duel, our blades clashed with a resounding clang. We matched each other's movements, both relying on quick reflexes and agility. Our battle intensified as we exchanged blows, but a swift kick sent me crashing through a wooden wall.

I swiftly recovered, spitting out some blood, and continued to fight. With a spin, my duster rose, deflecting his sword strike, allowing me to counter with my dura-steel knife. I struck him in the chest, bringing him down.

As I removed his helmet, I discovered the trademark U.E.D.F barcode tattoo of the assassin's corps. Anger surged within me, but I couldn't dwell on it for long. I had to reach the hangar bay to ensure the safety of Lucy and Kira.

Hastening my steps, I made my way to the hangar bay, only to find the girls being held hostage by four U.E.D.F Spec Corps officers. The senior officer approached me, demanding that I surrender the ship and myself.

Unfazed, I pulled out a coin from my pocket, tossing it up and catching it repeatedly. Proposing a game of heads or tails, I offered a wager. If it landed on heads, they would release the girls, but if it landed on tails, I would go with them.

The officer agreed, confident in his luck. I tossed the coin high in the air, seizing the opportunity to draw my pistol and swiftly dispatch the officers. Catching the coin, I smirked, revealing that it had landed on tails. "Just your luck," I said, holstering my pistol.

Reuniting with the girls, I hurriedly ushered them onto the ship. As the boarding ramp closed, I started the ship's systems, eager to escape. With Lucy and Kira safely aboard, we blasted off from the landing bay, leaving our pursuers behind.

Heading towards Sector Delta-12, a treacherous and dangerous area, I knew it would provide us the cover we needed to complete the remaining upgrades to the ship. Kira expressed her concerns, but I assured her it was our best chance to elude capture and make the necessary repairs.

As we ventured into the perilous sector, Kira reluctantly agreed, realizing it was our only option. She settled into the copilot seat, gazing out at the asteroid field that showed promise as a potential hiding spot. With determination and a sense of urgency, we set course for a small moon, seeking refuge and the means to finish our repairs.

As the ship hurtled through space, I couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and determination. The challenges ahead were daunting, but I was ready to face them head-on, ensuring the safety of Lucy, Kira, and uncovering the truth that awaited us in the vastness of the universe.

As we ventured deeper into Sector Delta-12, the atmosphere grew tense within the confines of the Crimson Flare. The dangerous reputation of this sector loomed over us like a dark cloud, reminding us of the perils that awaited.

Navigating through treacherous asteroid fields, I focused on evading any potential threats while keeping a keen eye on the ship's systems. The upgrades we had acquired earlier needed to be properly installed, and this moon seemed like the ideal place to find the solitude and resources necessary for the task.

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