Chapter 4: Orda planet of thieves.

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The first night in the cargo hold left a lasting impression on me. It was a sleepless night, filled with bone-chilling cold and the pungent smell that reminded me of the sewers of Kortha Prime. As morning arrived, I set out on my personal quest to study my new shipmates and uncover their true intentions.

I knew without a doubt that Lucy would stay by my side after all that had transpired. She was like family now, and I had already decided to pass on the family business to her one day. But when it came to Kira, the former U.E.D.F. officer, I remained skeptical. Could she be a U.E.D.F. agent planted onboard to observe Lucy and me?

The questions swirled in my mind as I lay in the hammock, pretending to be asleep when Kira poked her head into the cargo bay. "Hey, Captain, breakfast is about ready. You might want to get up and grab some before Lucy finishes it all," she said.

I groaned playfully and got up, stretching my muscles. As I looked at Kira, my hair falling around my bright green eyes, I noticed a faint blush on her face. She quickly turned away. "I'll be in the mess hall, so put on a shirt and join us when you're ready," she said, her voice slightly shaky.

I smirked, grabbing my change of clothes, and headed to the bathroom. After splashing cold water on my face, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The scars, burns, and bullet holes on my body told stories of a life filled with danger and survival. Smuggling wasn't a glamorous profession, and there were many times I thought my end was near.

I sighed, running a hand through my chestnut brown hair and combing it back. I trimmed my beard, put on a white button shirt, and wore a black leather vest. Taking a deep breath, I looked at myself one last time. "Captain, I didn't think I'd be adding more people to this one-man crew," I mused.

Entering the mess hall, I ruffled Lucy's hair as she hummed a song while eating her breakfast. Sitting down beside her, I glanced at Kira, who slid me a cup of black coffee. "Thanks, chef," I said, taking a sip. I preferred it black, no sugar or cream. It went down smoother that way.

"So, you never officially told me why you wanted to help us," I said, peering into my coffee cup. Kira paused for a moment, then turned toward me. "It was her I wanted to help," she replied, looking over at Lucy. "No one truly knows what those monsters in the research corps are capable of." She turned back and resumed cleaning the dishes, and I slid a plate with buttered toast closer to me, taking a slice.

Savoring my coffee, I looked at Lucy, smiling. "So, darling, how is your morning?" I asked. She beamed at me, giving a thumbs-up as she finished her breakfast and hopped down from her seat, taking her plate over to Kira.

"Thank you, sweetie," Kira said to her, accepting the plate. Lucy then scampered off to engage in whatever adventures a five-year-old girl would pursue. As I watched her go, a realization struck me-I knew very little about children. When I was her age, I was aboard a military transport escaping the destruction of Earth.

Finishing my coffee, I observed Kira carefully. "So, you don't trust me, do you, Alex?" she asked, turning around to face me. I smirked, meeting her gaze. "I haven't made up my mind yet. I don't know you well enough," I replied.

She leaned on the counter, her loose-fitting tank top accentuating her ample cleavage. "Men are all the same. I could easily have you wrapped around my little finger if I wanted to, but know this," she said, swiftly grabbing a knife and slamming it onto the table between my fingers. "I don't trust you, and I'm only here because that little girl needs a positive female role model in her life. Once I find a way off this rust bucket, she's coming with me."

I gulped, looking down at my hand, then back at her. "What do you mean, calling my ship a rust bucket?" I retorted. "And who said all smugglers are terrible role models? I grew up just fine with a smuggler as my role model."

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