Chapter 5: A past that has come back .

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As I descended onto the landing pad, I quickly arranged for fuel and prepaid to ensure a swift escape if needed. Walking along the concrete path toward the operations tower, a feeling of unease gnawed at my gut. Something wasn't right.

The guard opened the door, granting me access to the elevator. I stepped inside, folding my arms as I gazed out through the expansive window walls, taking in the sprawling view of Orda station. Memories of my last encounter with Kel, my old acquaintance, flooded my mind. How many years had it been since we last met?

With a sigh, the elevator reached the top floor, and the doors slid open. Kel, a torgan-resembling a tiger walking on two legs-awaited me with a black business suit that matched his feline features.

"Alex, it's been too long, my brother," Kel greeted me, and I embraced him warmly, giving his shoulder a reassuring pat. "I'll be fine, my brother, but it's you who needs to explain some things."

We entered his conference room and took our seats at the table. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the surface, and asked, "So, what kind of trouble have I stumbled into this time?"

Kel's eyes met mine, a serious expression on his face. "It's quite simple, brother. Rumors are circulating that you destroyed X-81's colony, and the U.E.D.F has put a bounty on your head." I leaned back, absorbing the weight of his words, and Kel continued to scrutinize me.

"But I know you, my brother. I know you would never harm innocent people like that," he asserted firmly. I sighed deeply, my gaze dropping to the table. "Kel, it's true... I did take out X-81, but there were no people there."

Kel paused, his tail swishing back and forth as he observed me. "I'm aware of the creatures that were hunting you," he said, his words catching me off guard. Curiosity piqued, he slid a data CD across the table. "That's why I called you here. Consider my debt to you repaid. I think you'll find what I discovered quite intriguing."

Curiosity and caution warred within me as I pressed a button on the table, activating a computer monitor with a CD port. I inserted the data CD, and images appeared on the screen-a U.E.D.F research ship docking with X-81's space station two weeks before the planet fell silent.

As I examined the images, my eyes widened. "Eden's Ark," I murmured aloud, rising abruptly from my chair, feeling icy sweat trickle down my face.

Kel grinned, his tail flicking faster. "Yes, brother, it seems your old man has returned from the dead," he revealed. My legs grew weak, and I stumbled, collapsing onto the floor. The U.E.D.F had reported his ship lost when I was just a child.

"Brother, your father is involved in something beyond the U.E.D.F's reach, and that doesn't sit well with us," Kel explained. He handed me a PDP as I rose to my feet. "These are the last known coordinates of your father's ship. This might be your only chance to uncover the truth."

Nodding, I shook Kel's hand, gratitude and determination flooding through me. "Thank you, Kel. I'll follow this lead. But watch your back-Lilly might be coming after me for the bounty."

With that, I turned and made my way to the elevator. I activated my wrist com, contacting Kira. "Kira, it's Alex. Do you read me?" Her voice crackled through the receiver. "Loud and clear. What's going on?"

"Well, business went smoothly, but we need to go shopping before we leave. Is Lucy awake?" I inquired. "Yes, she's up. Should we meet you outside the landing bay?" Kira responded. "Yes, we'll need plenty of supplies," I replied.

Closing the comlink, I inserted the data disk into my PDP, studying the last known location of my father's ship. Doubts plagued my mind. Could it really be my father? Just because it's his ship doesn't guarantee his presence-could it be a rogue group or pirates? Questions swirled as the elevator descended to the ground level, and I made my way back to the hangar bay doors.

There, I found Kira dressed in jeans and a black shirt, holding Lucy, who looked adorable in blue jeans and a pink shirt. Lucy reached out, wanting me to hold her, and I looked at Kira with concern etched on my face.

"What's wrong?" she asked, but I could only hand her my PDP. "Read this, and you'll understand. Let's go shopping while Crimson Flare undergoes upgrades."

Lucy cheered, her smile melting away some of my worries, as we set off toward the market district. I had no idea what awaited us, but I knew that whatever the outcome, I would finally uncover the truth I had been seeking for so long.

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