Chapter 3: Breaking away.

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I woke up to find Kira leaning against the wall, staring at me. "So, you're the infamous Alex Deagon? The famed smuggler who outran a Larthina fleet while smuggling people off the planet Tyfon during the Dagger War?" she said, grinning. I smiled back at her and sat up, leaning against the wall.

"You know me, but I don't know anything about you, Miss Kira. Maybe we'll have dinner some..." I stopped mid-sentence, remembering Lucy. Panic surged through me, and I bolted up, slamming into the bars of the cell. "Lucy! Is she still okay? Is she alive?" I pleaded with Kira, who just smiled at me.

She unlocked the cell door and removed my restraints. I looked at her in confusion, and she placed a finger on my lips, locking eyes with me. "Listen, Mr. Deagon, I have an offer for you. I'll help you get to your girl and get off this ship, but you have to take me with you." I stood up as she handed me my shirt and duster, forcing a grunt out of me. "Wait, you're a soldier of the U.E.D.F. Why are you doing this?" I asked, putting on my shirt and duster.

"Very simple, Mr. Deagon. Commander Helen has lost it. I don't know if you've been keeping up with the news, but the U.E.D.F. is in a full-blown civil war," Kira explained. She tossed me my hat and gun and glanced up and down the hallway. "Wait... so the U.E.D.F. is in a civil war with itself? How? Why?" I inquired. I knew tensions were high among some U.E.D.F. members, but a civil war seemed extreme.

Kira looked at me for a moment. "You don't even know the half of it, but now is not the time to debate politics. We need to get your daughter and get off this ship before we reach X-81."

I nodded and followed her down the hallway. We ran through seemingly endless corridors until she darted left into a pathway. I glanced at a sign that read, "Research and Development-this way."

My heart sank as we approached a door, and Kira pushed the comlink button. "Yes? Master Sergeant, we weren't expecting you. Please come in," a man's voice responded as he opened the door. The man looked at Kira, then at me as I aimed my gun at him, motioning for him to move away and back against the wall.

Kira pulled out her sidearm and aimed it at him while I walked into the room. To my relief, I saw Lucy safe and sound. She ran over to me, and I held her tightly. "Alright, darling, we're getting out of here."

I picked her up and ran back toward Kira. "Let's go," I said, running past her. She smirked, knocked out the man, and followed me.

"So, which way to the hangar?" I asked her as she caught up with me. She pointed to the right, and we turned and ran down that direction.

Suddenly, we encountered a group of armed guards, blocking our path. Without hesitation, I tossed Lucy to Kira and slid on one leg, firing six shots from my pistol, taking down each guard.

As quickly as we could, we reached the hangar bay and boarded the ship. Kira sat Lucy down in the passenger seat of the cockpit and strapped her in while I prepared to start the engines. "Now, how do we get past the hangar shields?" I asked Kira, scanning the cockpit controls.

Kira quickly accessed the ship's systems and manipulated the controls with practiced ease. "I've overridden the hangar security protocols. We should be able to bypass the shields and make a clean getaway," she replied confidently.

With a flick of a switch, the hangar shields deactivated, and the ship's engines roared to life. I maneuvered the vessel out of the hangar bay, pushing it to its limits. The starship soared through space, leaving the enemy vessel behind.

As we soared through the darkness, I glanced back at Lucy, who was wide-eyed with excitement. "We did it, Lucy," I said with a smile. "We're finally free."

Lucy beamed at me, her innocent face radiating joy. "Daddy, are we going on another adventure?" she asked, her voice filled with hope.

I looked at Kira, a newfound sense of purpose ignited within me. "We're not just going on an adventure, Lucy. We're going to find answers, make things right, and help those who can't help themselves. We're going to make a difference," I declared, determination shining in my eyes.

Kira nodded, her expression mirroring my determination. "Count me in, Alex. I've seen what's happening within the U.E.D.F., and it's time for change. Together, we can uncover the truth and expose the corruption."

I gripped the controls, guiding the ship toward the vast expanse of space, ready to embrace the unknown. The stars stretched out before us, promising both danger and opportunity. We were breaking away from the chains that held us, embarking on a journey that would shape our destinies.

And so, our ship sailed through the cosmos, carrying the weight of our pasts and the hopes of a better future. With each passing moment, the ties that bound us grew stronger, forging a bond between three individuals who had decided to fight for what they believed in.

As the ship vanished into the distance, leaving behind a trail of stardust, our journey had only just begun. We were rebels, renegades, and seekers of truth. Together, we would challenge the status quo and leave our mark on the galaxy.

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