Chapter 7: Rocks, Kids, Life.

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We landed on the biggest asteroid I could find, deep within a cave, to hide from any potential sensor scans. As I stepped out of my seat, exhaustion and a sense of defeat washed over me. Lucy tugged at my pant leg, and I smiled down at her, ruffling her hair gently, before continuing towards the back of the engine room.

Kira kneeled down beside Lucy, who asked, "Is papa okay?" Kira reassured her, saying, "Yes, sweetie, he's just tired. Your papa is doing everything he can to make sure we're safe. I just wish he didn't push himself so hard."

Lucy nodded, but I could sense her concern. She was perceptive beyond her years. I knew I had to take care of myself not just for my own sake but for hers as well. She needed someone she could rely on.

Kira approached me later in the engine room, her eyes filled with worry. "Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded, but as I leaned over the engine manifold, I felt a searing pain. Kira rushed over and discovered that I had been hit. She quickly grabbed a medical kit and began treating me.

"You can be so stupid sometimes," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of frustration and concern. "This isn't a game. You've got Lucy, and she needs you more than you know. She needs someone she can rely on."

Her words hit me hard, and I looked away, feeling a deep sense of inadequacy. "She doesn't need me... I'm not a father... I can't raise her properly. I'm a smuggler, an outlaw," I confessed, my voice laced with self-doubt.

Kira's face softened as a tear rolled down her cheek. In a sudden burst of emotion, she slapped me, causing me to drop my wrench. "STUPID! She needs you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with raw emotion. Then she pulled me into a tight embrace before leaving the room, leaving me lost in my thoughts.

I leaned against the ship's wall, reflecting on Kira's words. "Stupid! I also need you, so don't go dying on us," she had said. Her words echoed in my mind, reminding me of my responsibilities not only to Lucy but to Kira as well. I couldn't let my own self-doubt and fears overshadow the love and support we shared.

With renewed determination, I returned to work. The ship needed repairs and upgrades, and I delved into the tasks at hand. Thoughts of Lucy and Kira intertwined with each action, pushing me to do my best. They were my motivation, my reason to keep going.

Morning arrived, and I found myself asleep in the engine room, a blanket draped over my shoulders. Stretching and popping my back, I knew another day of tasks awaited me. "One step at a time," I murmured to myself as I gathered my tools and assessed the next project.

The power converters were installed, and the weapon systems had been upgraded to increase firepower. I smirked with satisfaction as I tore apart the warp drive, preparing to install the new fuel converter. However, this day seemed determined to test my resolve.

As I struggled to access the fuel line, Lucy came running into the engine room, playing with a toy we had picked up on Orda, making noise. Frustration welled up within me, and I snapped at her, asking her to play somewhere else. She looked up at me, innocent confusion in her eyes, and asked, "Why?"

I lost my grip on the wrench, resulting in a painful blow to my foot and a thud on my head. Clenching my fist, I looked at Lucy and uttered sternly, "Lucy, I'm only going to say it once. Get out now." She ran off, frightened by my outburst.

Realizing my mistake, I quickly left the engine room, searching for Lucy. I checked the mess hall and the recreation room, but she was nowhere to be found. Finally, I heard a sniffle coming from one of the cargo crates stacked high in the cargo bay.

I climbed up and found Lucy curled up in a little ball, crying softly. I crawled into the crate and lay beside her. "Darling, what are you crying about?" I asked, concerned. She looked up at me and whispered, "You hate me, don't you?"

My heart ached at her words. I held her close, comforting her. "Now, darling, if I hated you, would I make sure you had food? Would I make sure you were safe?" I asked gently, and she shook her head in response. "And if I really, truly hated you, I wouldn't do this." I quickly tickled her, and her tears turned into laughter.

She turned around and pressed her forehead against mine. "Papa, are you going to stay with me forever?" she asked, her voice filled with hope. I smiled at her and replied, "Darling, I'll always be here, no matter what."

We crawled out of the cargo box and climbed back down to the ground floor. Kira stood in the doorway, a smile on her face. "I knew you'd fall for a young, pretty redhead," she teased. I smirked at her remark, but inside, I felt a warmth and sense of belonging.

"Mama, Papa needs you too!" Lucy chimed in, unaware of the effect her words had on Kira. Kira blushed, her face turning red, and she walked off, flustered. "Oh, what do kids know anyway?" she muttered, trying to hide her own feelings.

Lucy looked up at me, her eyes searching for reassurance. "Did I make her angry, Papa?" she asked. I smiled and shook my head, assuring her that everything was fine. I instructed her to go play and stay out of trouble while I returned to my work.

Lucy ran off towards the recreation room, her laughter echoing through the ship. I walked back to the engine room, determined to finish installing the fuel converter.

Kira lay on the bed, still thinking about Lucy calling her "Mama." She blushed as she looked at her left hand and ring finger, lost in thoughts she couldn't help but entertain.

Suddenly, the ship shook violently, jolting Kira out of her reverie. She fell out of bed, and I, too, experienced the impact as my box of tools fell on my head. A sense of dread washed over me as I checked the radar and saw it-the phantom fleet.

"It's them," I muttered, my voice filled with fear. Kira held Lucy tightly in her arms as I swiftly initiated an emergency launch. The ship left the cave, revealing the phantom fleet in all its menacing glory.

"What are they doing here? I thought they were still engaged with the 4th fleet at Mars," I exclaimed, my mind racing as I pushed buttons, charging up the plasma cannons. Kira strapped in and grabbed the cannon fire controls, ready to defend our ship.

The fighters from the fleet pursued us relentlessly, and the ship shook under their assault. But with Kira's precise aim, one by one, the fighters fell to our plasma cannons. The ship weaved through the asteroid field as I executed evasive maneuvers, trying to outmaneuver our pursuers.

Finally, only one fighter remained. Kira fired a shot, and an explosion resonated through space. "You mean there was one left," I teased, relieved that we had overcome the threat. Kira leaned back, her face flushed with the adrenaline of the battle, and let out a sigh of relief.

As I punched the warp button, propelling us out of harm's way, Kira turned to me with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Alex," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

I glanced at Kira and then at Lucy, who had been watching the entire battle with wide-eyed amazement. In that moment, a deep sense of purpose washed over me. I realized that I was not just a smuggler or an outlaw; I was a father, responsible for the safety and happiness of my family.

With renewed determination, I set my sights on finding a place where Lucy could truly call home, where she could grow up surrounded by love and stability. And as we soared through the vastness of space, I knew that together, we would forge our own destiny, facing whatever challenges lay ahead.

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