Meet the Fangirls.

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I I am a huge fangirl, mostly about books. I started reading when I was two. When I was little, I read  at least six hours a day. Unfortunately, with the huge load of depression they give students called homework, I only average two now.

That's me, Ame, huge nerd and narrator of this book.

This is what you've all been waiting for! I have a fangirl friend that has come to join me and help with the stories- TheUltimateFangirl04.

People, say hi to Mai.

Mai loves books too, but not as much as me. *Heh heh.* She is a lot more experienced with YouTubers, though. She loves Dan and Phil and was gonna fight me because I jokingly said something mean about them.

Mai is writing lots of great books on Wattpad. My fave is Randomness Fandomness. Check it out and help her get to 2K reads.

No further ado. Let's get on to the story!

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