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People think being a fangirl means being super girly-girl. That's not always true! Ughh... Well, sometimes it is. Like now.

Kate: Oh, Lexi! It's, um, nice to, um, see you...?

Lexi: *wearing way too much makeup, feather boa, and pink dress*

Mai: You haven't visited us in a while, Lexi.

Lexi: Well, I was, like, auditioning to be a model, and I, like, had to find new clothes and makeup, so I was too busy to visit you guys. I got sixty-fifth in the state competition.

Me: Wow! You must be REALLY good.

Lexi: Oh, I am. Thank you.

Me: No prob.

Lexi: Omg! You girls need a total makeover. This reminds me of the time in Twilight...*starts blabbing about Twilight*

Okay then. See ya my fangirls!

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