Too much fangirling!

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People tell you that you spend too much time reading/fangirling/watching YouTube.

*I walk into my room from school and start reading.*

Mai: Do your homework!

Me: Okaaaaaaaay, just one more chapter.......

Six hours later:

*watching youtube*

Me: But mom, just let me finish this video! Please?

*under covers at midnight with phone watching youtube*

Me: She'll never know!

Mom: Give me your phone now young lady.

Mai: Ha! You deserve it.

Me: Nooooooooooooooo...... But I was just fangirling!!!!???

Mom: Do your homework. You're almost in high school, and you

don't have time for this acting like a toddler.

Me: It's not....

In honor of this reason, everybody go NOW to watch the fangirl parody of Royals!!!!! If you can tell me a line from the song I'll follow you if I'm not already.

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