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You have to go do something right when you're in the middle of a cliffhanger.

Mai: *sighs* I'm so bored.

Kate. *Doorbell rings* PIZZA! *Opens door* Okay, that is not the pizza guy *faints*

Mai: *Opens Door, suddenly looks meek* I-I don't think I have seen you before.

Anonymous: Nope. You haven't. *walks in, is a teenage guy*

Guy: *turns to me* Hey, random person. Get me some food.

Me: Sure, O Supreme Ruler of All Existence! Feel free to invite yourself into my humble abode. I am your faithful servant and will do whatever you ask!

Oh yeah, notice the obvious sarcasm?

Mai: *looks at guy lovestruck*

Me: I was reading a book! And who are you anyways?

Guy: Well, I used to go by Overlord, but that was a weird phase and now it's just Dan.

Me: *grumbles* Fine, I'll get you food.

Mai: *gasps* You've changed so much! Dan!

Dan: And so have you. I came because I wanted to do this for a very long time. *stares at Mai*

Mai: *stares at Dan*

* Suddenly, they kiss on the lips and stay there for 30 seconds*

Me: *starts fangirling* I ship it! I ship it so hard!

Dan: *grabs food* Thanks. See ya, Mai! * Disappears*

Mai: No! Dan.....


3 hours later:

Kate: So what happened? I passed out.

This happened.

Kate: *squeals*

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Kate: *squeals*

Mai: *hides face in embarrassment*

Kate: Bye Falecias!

Me: You spelled it wrong!

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