Insulting Fandoms

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It's hard being a fangirl when someone insults your fandom.

Hello. Mai and Kate are too tired to come out today-

*audible groan comes from other room*

So I guess I'm going to be doing this chapter ALL ALONE! :(

Today I decided to do an experiment.

I went out to the mall and posed as a reporter, and asked people which fandoms they liked or hated. Here is one of the worst responses.

This is what happened

*girl wearing red lipstick walks up*

Me: Hello. Um, if you wouldn't mind, would you like to be a part of my survey?

Person: Sure.

Me: What's your name?

Person: Sabrina.

Me: Okay, Sabrina. What's your favorite fandom?


Me: Like what?

Sabrina: One Direction, um, 1D, and, um, One Direction, did I say that already?

Me: Yes. Yes you did. So what fandoms do you hate?

Sabrina: Um, I hate Doctor Who, like, who cares about time travel. We're living in the present. I have my shoes and makeup and clothes to worry about and now they add time travel to the mix?

Me: O.o

Okay, um, well, um, that's nice.


*hair on fire*

Aaaahhhh! You did not just insult my fandom. YOU DID NOT. You will PAY!

Um, goodbye.

The results of my experiment:

So apparently One Direction is the only fandom there is in the ENTIRE WORLD, (no offense to the fans, it's okay), Doctor Who is outdated, and we don't have time for such foolish things.


Another result of my experiment:

This Sabrina person may become not one of the living.

I said that euphemistically.

Bye cupcakes! Sorry I didn't update for a little while.

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