The best day of my life

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Today was Saturday and u and Emery were in Florida so U could go see family and today u guys were going to a cookout with all your family and some of Emery's family that came down to Florida with us "auntie can u and Emery come to the pool with me please" ur niece said "ooh sure let me call him" and u went and saw that Emery was already in the pool hanging out with Ricky and Liam "hey I'm coming in" I said and jumped in the pool after I had took out my sun dress and I played around with the guys for a few hours playing with water guns and having swimming contests until Ricky and Liam left the pool leaving me and Emery "so babe did I know I love u" he said as he hugged me in the pool "I have been aware" I said and then we just swam around and jumped into the pool a few times and just hugged a lunged around for a few Until we I left the pool to take a shower I washed my hair and came out of the bathroom and walked into my room we were at my parents house so I was changing in my old room from when I was growing up I walked into my closet and found a cute sundress I don't remember buying I put it on anyways and just brushed and dried my hair

When I walked out of my room he house was silent like dead silent I looked around and just guessed everyone was outside so I turned the hall and walked downstairs only to find a path of rose petals leading to the backyard near the pool I opened the sliding door and sat Ricky and Liam sitting in chairs wearing suits and my family and meets family all around us just talking us I walked through the door and it got quite Emery was no where to be found

All of a sudden they started singing sweet little something and it was so weird but cute too but still Emery wasn't their only Liam's and Ricky Liam's sang Emery's part and right before the last verse when  the beet droops Emery walked out wearing a suit and looking as handsome as ever and walked up to me and sang the last part I was scared but also intreged he looked at me and said "dear y/n u have been With me thought he highs and lows of life and u have always helped me with everything and their no one else I wanna spend my life with except u so" he said getting down on one knee "will u marry me" he said and I cried and nodded unable to say words this is amazing and I have never been happier

imagines for Emery kellyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang